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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Stomach

             THE STOMACH 

The stomach is a local dilated J-shaped organ of the gastrointestinal tract.

👉Parts of the stomach 





👉Orifice of the stomach 

-Cardiac orifice at the level of T11 Vertebra 

-Pyloric Orifice at the level of L11 vertebra 

👉Curvature of the Stomach


-Greater Curvature 

-Lesser Curvature 

👉Relations of the stomach


-Anterior Relations;

The Anterior abdominal wall, Diaphragm and the Left lobe of the liver 

-Posterior relations; Bed of the stomach which includes the spleen, the left suprarenal gland, the left kidney, left colic flexure, the transverse mesocolon, Splenic artery and Pancreas 



-Omental Bursa separates the stomach from the bed of the stomach and permits a degree of movement of the stomach.

👉Blood supply 

-right and left gastric artery 

-right and left gastroepiploic artery

👉Venous drainage


-Left and right gastric vein

-Left and Right Gastroepiploic vein, small gastric vein and prepyloric vein.

👉Nerve Supply

-Coeliac plexus

👉Lymphatic drainage

-Gastric node, Gastroepiploic node, pyloric node and Pancreaticosplenic node—all of which drains into the Coeliac trunk

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