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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Collapse, shock, faint, Anaphylactic shock and homeopathic medicine

 Collapse,   shock,   faint,  anaphylactic   shock  :- 

 Carbo vegetabilis -

-An almost "corpse-reviver"  (as one  has seen). 

-Lack of reaction after some violent shock, some violent attack, some violent suffering. -After surgical shock, collapse; and danger of dying of shock. 

 -Air-hunger: desire to be fanned: must have more air. 

 -Cold: Knees cold: breath cold: tongue cold: cold sweat: cold nose.

 -Nose and face pinched; cadaveric.

 -Face: very pale: greyish-yellow greenish; corpse like. 

 -May be distension of stomach and abdomen (Colch.). 

 Veratrum album -

 -Wonderful coldness: coldness of discharges: coldness of body. 

 -Profuse cold sweat: cold sweat on forehead.

 -Fluids run out of body; produces watery discharges.

 -Lies in bed, relaxed and prostrated, cold to finger--tips blue, or purplish: lips cold and blue: face pinched and shrunken: sensation as if the blood were ice-water (Ars.).

 -Head packed in ice: ice on vertex. 

 -One of Hahnemann's great cholera medicines. 

 Opium -

 -From fright. Shock from injury (Arn.), severe cases. Rapid breathing: every breath a loud moan: face livid or pale; lips livid.

 -Cool clammy skin: eyes fixed unequally: or, Long, slow expirations; cheeks blown out: or mouth wide open.

 -Coldness, extremities; or burning heat of perspiring body. 

 -Characteristics: "painlessness, inactivity and torpor".

 -Increased excitability of voluntary muscles with decreased excitability of involuntary muscles. 

 Arnica montana -

 -From mechanical injuries (Opium). Concussion, with unconsciousness, pallor, drowsiness. 

 -Cold surface; depressed vitality from shock. -Stupor with involuntary discharges.

 -Characteristic: While answering falls into a deep stupor before finishing. 

Camphora officinalis -

 -Coldness, blueness, scanty sweat. Scanty discharges (rev. of Verat.).

 -"Camp. is cold and dry. Cold, with profuse discharges, Verat."

 -"Camphor in heat, wants to be covered up: his coldness is relieved by cold: wants more cold.

 -"A troublesome patient to nurse: the more violent the suffering, the sooner he is cold, and when cold must uncover and be in a cold room: then a flash of heat, and h wants covers on, wants hot bottles: and while this is being done, is cold again, and wants windows open, and everything cool.

 -"Here the camphor bottle has established a reputation[*]: but potentized camphor will do far more, and will put him into a refreshing sleep." KENT. 

 -[*] N.B. Camphor may need to be repeated every five minutes in desperate cases, till reaction is established. A couple of drops on a lump of sugar is the best way to administer it or in potency. Arsenicum album

 -The collapse of Ars. is marked by restlessness, and fear. Prostration with awful anxiety. 

 -"The prominent characteristics of Ars. are anxiety, restlessness, prostration, burning, and cadaveric odours.

 -"In bed, first moves whole body; as prostration becomes marked can only move limbs. At last so weak, he lies quiet, like a corpse. 

 -"Every symptom is Arsenic: he looks like it, acts like it, smells like it, and is it. 

 -"Mouth black, parched and dry. 

 -"Ceaseless thirst for small quantities often.

 -"With his violent chills and rigors, says the blood flowing through his veins is like ice

-water (Verat.) then fever comes, and he feels that boiling water is going through his bloodvessels." KENT. 

 Aconitum napellus -

 -Agonized tossing about. Excessively restless. 

 -Extreme anxiety (Ars.). Expression of fear and anxiety; especially Fear of death. 

 -Condition sudden and violent. 

 -After exposure to cold, dry, wind. 

 -Sits straight up and can hardly breathe: grasps throat: wants everything thrown off. -Anguish with dyspnoea. 

 -As if boiling water poured into chest: warm blood rushing into the parts. 

 -(Comp. Ars.). -Compare Ars. all through: but Ars. comes far on in the condition, with terrific exhaustion, instead of terrific violence. 

 Antimonium tartaricum -

  -Asphyxia: from mechanical causes, as apparent death from drowning, from pneumonia, capillary bronchitis, etc., from accumulation of mucus which cannot be expectorated. 

 -Impending paralysis of lungs. 

 -Drowsiness or coma, pale or dark

-red face; blue lips: delirium; twitchings.

 -Thread-like pulse. 

 Ammonium carbonicum -

 -Skin mottled, with great pallor. Face dusky, puffy.

 -Lack of reaction: livid, weak and drowsy. 

 -Increasing shortness of breath: better cool air. Rattling in chest, but gets up little. 

 -Weak heart, causing stasis, dyspnoea, etc. 

 -Cold sweat: tendency to syncopy.

 -"One of the best remedies in emphysema." -Oedema of lungs with somnolence from poison of blood with CO2. 

 -Sputa thin, foamy: a dynamic state: with rattling of large bubbles in chest.

 -Vehement palpitation with great precordial distress, followed by syncope.

 -Audible palpitation: great anxiety as if dying, cold sweat: 

invol. flow of tears: loud, difficult breathing, with trembling hands.

 -Angina pectoris (Latrodect. mact., etc.). 

 -Exhaustion with defective reaction.

 -Hysteria; symptoms simulate organic disease. 

 Carboneum sulphuratum -

 -Kent gives Carb. sulph. in black type for collapse.

 -Frequent attacks of fainting: asphyxia.

 -Violent Headache till mind is affected.

 -Sunken, staring eyes. 

 -Expression bewildered, as if demented. 

 -Pushed lower jaw forward, and gnashed with it against the upper. 

 -Great thirst: great desire for beer. 

 -Colic about umbilicus, drawing navel in (Plumb.). 

 -Asphyxia from alcohol, or coal gas. 

 -Feeling of heavy load hanging on back between scapulae.

 -Sensation of vibration and trembling of whole body. 

 -Heard voices and believed he had committed a robbery. Sensation of a hole close by, into which he was in danger of falling. 

 Colchicum autumnale -

  -Sinking of strength, as if life will flow out from motion or exertion. 

 -If he attempts to raise head, it falls back, mouth wide open. 

 -Tongue heavy, stiff (?bluish, especially at base). 

 -Bruised, sore, sensitive: nauseated by smell or thought of food.

 -Vomiting. Profuse diarrhoea and passage of blood. Stools involuntary.

 -Great distension of abdomen: tympanitic.

 -Restlessness: cramps in legs. 

 -Great prostration, skin cold, bedewed with sweat: cold sweat forehead (Verat.).

 -Respiration slow. 

 -But, "without the fearfulness and dread of death of some such remedies". 

 Crotalus horridus -

-Rapidly becomes besotted, benumbed, putrid, semiconscious. 

 -Prostration almost paralytic in character. 

 -Skin yellow, pale, bloodless with blue spots.

 -Rapid breaking down of bloodvessels. 

              M.G Homeo Clinic

          Karwi Chitrakoot (U.P)


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