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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Male problem ( Penis ) and homeopathic medicine

 *Penis Complaint and Homeopathic Medicine* 

Images by vivan hospital 

Penis is the external genital organ of the male. The complaint may be in prepuce, glans (head) of the penis or in entire penis. 

An average erected penis measure 5.1 inches and 4.9 inches in circumference, subnormal penis when erected measures less than 2.8 inches and 3.5 inches in girth. 

*Small and weak Penis*

*Antim Crud 30, 

Staphysagria 200,

 Argent. Met 200.

Thinning and reduction of penis, earlier it was normal length and girth. 

*Ginseng 3X

The penis is weak and does not have hard erection. 

*Ignatia 200,

 Agnus Cast 30, 

 Nuphar Lut 30* 

Penis is small and retracted. 

Use Nuphar Lut Q eith olive oil externally on penis.

*Lycopodium 200*

Penis becomes small and relaxed due to masturbation. 

*Quinidinum 30*

Strengths the penis and sexual organ.

*Cydonia Vulg 30* 

It helps to increase the size of penis, it acts on prostate gland Cydonia vulgaris actually use for improving the functions of male organ.

 It is popularly known as a penis enlargement homeopathic remedy. 

It acts directly in the male prostate gland function and remove all related problems. Use Cydonia 30 internally and Cydonia Q external massage.

*Infection of the Penis* 

*Causticum 200*

Itching of Penis.

*Corralium Rub 30*

Ulcer on glans and inner prepuce with thin yellow discharge. Sexual weakness.

*Graphitis 30*

Herpes on penis. Sticky discharge. 

*Kreosot 30*

Burninng of penis on intercourse.

*Merc Iod 30*

The skin of prepuce becomes tight, obstructing flow of urine and semen. Prepuce can't be move up and down. 

*Merc Sol 30*

Ulcers on glans and inner prepuce. Herpes of the prepuce. 

*Pereira Brava 30*

Violent pain in glans with urethritis. Burning urine, drop wise urination.

*Rhus Tox 30*

Edema of penis

&Salix Nigra 6*

Pain in penis on erection. Increased sexual desire, bad effects if masturbation.

*Sulphur 30*

Stitching pain in penis, itching of penis when going to bed. Cracks of prepuce. Aversion from bathing.

*Calc Carb 10M*

Absence of penis and testes in the child. 

*Acid Phos 200*

Edema of the prepuce and glans penis. Warts on the prepuce. Penis is swollen. Herpes of prepuce. 

*Caladium 30*

          Dr Dileep Yadav


          M.G Homeo Clinic

          Karwi Chitrakoot (U.P)


          -  Helpline -


   Contact us - 7905406952

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