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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Scanty, short lasting, or deficient menstruation.. female Homoeopathic Medicine

 Too scanty,  short-lasting, or deficient menstruation,  menstrua  exilia :- 

  This condition, like  "Delay  of the  First Menstruation", is often due  to constitutional causes, and must be treated accordingly. 

At the same time, if the  patient enjoy  good health notwithstanding  the scanty  flow, no medicinal interference  is justifiable.  If, on  the other hand, sufferings are  present during the monthly  period, and there  is a  general derangement of  the system, medicinal  and  general means must be  adopted to correct the  morbid condition. 

   Treatment  -

Pulsatilla pratensis -  

 Pale, scanty, and watery  menses, preceded  and accompanied by  cutting  pains in the loins, dejected mood, chilliness, etc., in patients of light complexions and mild disposition.   

 Sepia officinalis -

 Patients with torpid skin-action, weariness, sensitiveness to cold, subject to sick-headache and Leucorrhoea. 

 Mercurius solubilis -

 Scanty menses, with sallow unhealthy appearance, deranged liver, or general feebleness, dyspnoea, etc.

 Helonias dioica -

 Anaemic patients.

 Aconitum napellus -

 Plethoric patients.

 Belladonna -

 Plethoric patients. 

 Graphites -    

Patients who suffer from constipation and unhealthy skin. 

 Natrium muriaticum  -

 Subjects of earthy complexion. Constipation. 

 Senecio aureus -

 Irregular, late, painful. Other remedies are : - Coni., Sulph., Nux V., Phos., Iod., Ferr., Plat., Cimic., Senec., etc. 
The previous two Sections should also be consulted.   

          M.G Homeo Clinic
       Karwi Chitrakoot (U.P)

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