Sore Throat is a common problem for every Human being. If you will not treat them at right time it may be dangerous. So Today I will discuss the 10 best Sore throat medicine in homeopathy that definitely effective and treat you as soon as possible. so without wasting time let’s start!!

What is a sore throat?

  • Sore throat is an infection of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Excessive pain and swelling due to excess blood in the throat is known as a sore throat.
  • Outbreaks of sore throat are common among service personnel.
  • Adenoviruses are mainly responsible for sore throats.
  • Pharynx and tonsils are very much inflamed resulting in enlarged and tender cervical lymph nodes.

Causes of sore throat 

  • Due to cold
  • When the body becomes very hot and suddenly cold air comes.
  • Speaking loudly or singing

Symptoms  of sore throat  

  • Inflamed throat.
  • Redness & swelling
  • Burning sensation
  • Cutting knife-like pain in the throat during swallowing
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Fever 
  • Malaise.

Homeopathy Medicines for sore throat : 

  1. Belladonna 
  2. Mercurius solubilis.
  3. Phytolacca
  4. Kali muriaticum
  5. Guaiacum
  6. Lachesis
  7. Hepar Sulph
  8. Apis mellifica
  9. Baryta carbonica
  10. Baptisia tinctoria

BELLADONNA  30 or 200 : 

Description of the plant 🌱

  1. It is the large bushy perennial herb with thick, fleshy, juicy branched, and spreading roots.
  2.  leaves numerous alternate below opposite above, One larger than the other, shot stalked.
  3.  fruit a berry.
  4. it is found in Central and Southern Europe
  5.  In India, it is cultivated in Kashmir.
  6. homeopathy tincture is made from the whole plant.
  7.  It mainly acts Upon The Nervous Nervous System, special senses, teaching, convulsion, and pain.
10 best Sore throat medicine in homeopathy

Sore throat indication of belladonna : 

  • It is the main medicine for sore throat.
  • Great dryness of the throat and fauces.
  • redness inside the throat.
  • Worse on the right side 
  • throat feels constricted
  •  difficult in deglutition 
  • tonsillitis worse on the right side
  • constant urging and desire to swallow 
  • seemed as if it would choke him if he did not swallow
  •  intermittent contraction of the esophagus when swallowing followed its time by scrapping in the region of the epiglottis 
  • as if the latter were raw and sore
  •  cervical glands inflamed suddenly.
  • A great aversion to drinking in a sore throat is a very important characteristic of belladonna.



  1. Another name of Merc. Sol is a precipitate oxide of mercury.
  2. It is antipsoric, antipsychotic & antisyphilitic medicine.
  3. It mainly affects the mucous membrane, glands, bones, etc.
  4. The patient can’t tolerate too much cold or hot.
  5. The patient feels too weak.
  6. Red blood cells are distorted by mercury.

Sore throat symptoms of Merc. Sol : 

  • If the palate or tonsils are swollen or there is a lump in it, special results can be obtained by waiting patiently after giving one dose of high-strength Merc. Sol.
  • There is pain inside the throat
  • Pain in the throat when swallowing or eating something.
  • That pain increases and extends to the ears and neck.
  • If a patient can’t get relief from Belladonna, then we can think for Merc. Sol.

PHYTOLACCA 30 or 200 : 

Description of the plant 🌱

  1. A perennial plant with large branching root, brownish externally and within white,fleshy,fibrous, from which ascends annually a steam an inch Or two in diameter and frequently reaching a height of 6 or 8 feet .
  2. The stem is smooth, round, and branching and when mature is purplish in color.
  3.  Flowers numerous small greenish-white
  4.  Fruit is a dark purple Berry in clusters containing a purple-red juice.
  5. The fresh root is taken for the preparation of the mother tincture.
  6. Phytolacca especially acts upon the glandular system, particularly those of the throat and mammae and the serous, fibrous, and mucus tissue.
  7.  It also acts upon the Kidneys.
10 best Sore throat medicine in homeopathy
Image by Elstef from Pixabay

Sore throat symptoms of phytolacca : 

  • Phytolacca is a great drug for sore throat.
  • There is inflammation in the throat and the tonsils on both sides become swollen and patchy coating on it.
  • There is extreme pain at the base of the tongue.
  • It is very difficult to eat or drink any product. 
  • Saliva is excreted through the mouth.
  • The pain gradually spread to the inside of the throat.
  • If left untreated, the inflammation gradually turns into diphtheria.
  • The acute inflammation in this disease subsides in about 10 to 12 days.
  • The pain of those who are repeatedly affected by this disease almost turns into chronic inflammation.
  • In chronic inflammation, the patient has great difficulty in breathing
  • Inside the mouth, the tonsils look like a large betel nut.
  • N.B – Gurgling with 8 to 10 drops of Phytolacca mother tincture mixed in half cup of water.



  • It is made from potassium chloride.

Sore throat symptoms of Kali muriaticum

  • White patches on the tongue.
  • Tonsils are coated with sticky mucus
  • Pain in the throat during swallowing.
  • Even if the patient drinks liquids like water or milk, the patient feels pain.
  • Many times the patient cannot drink a drop of water for two or three days.


Description : 

  • It is an anti-inflammatory drug and its main action on fibrous tissue.
  • It is especially useful in inflammatory pain & chronic arthritis.

Sore throat symptoms of Guaiacum : 

  • It is very beneficial in the first stage of tonsillitis.
  • Wounds in the palate inside the mouth gradually pierce the affected area.

LACHESIS 30 or 200 : 


  1. The crushed energy is prepared from the venom of an American snake.
  2. It mainly acts upon the nervous system, mucous membrane & skin.
  3. Dr. Herring applied this poison himself for proving.
  4. This medicine is especially suitable for people who are depressed.
  5. The upper part of the body & left side of the body most affected.
10 best Sore throat medicine in homeopathy
Image source Wikimedia

Sore throat symptoms of Lachesis : 

  • The pain of Lachesis usually starts on the left side of the body.
  • Inflammation of the tonsils starts from the left side and is directed to the right side.
  • Inflammation of the tonsils causes the organism to swell like a betel nut on both sides and turn red and sticky cold in the throat.
  • The color of the tonsils is red but the blue color is seen inside sometimes.
  • Many times it is completely blue.
  • Contact with any substance in the throat is not tolerated.
  • It feels like there is a lump in the throat.

HEPAR SULPH 30 or 200


  • Hepar sulph is prepared by two chemical combinations, Calcium sulfate powder, and sulfur.
  • It acts upon the glands, skin, salivary gland, etc.
  • A little cold air causes coughing, so you have to cover with the clothes.

Sore throat symptoms of Hepar sulph – 

  • The sore throat feels like a fish thorn.
  • In chronic cases, if merc Sol is failed then we can think for Hepar sulph.
  • In pharyngitis & tonsillitis, small granular rashes can be seen in the pharynx.
  • Mucus accumulates in the throat which does not come out easily while coughing.
  • The tonsils become very swollen and the patient feels pain like a cut in the throat.

APIS MELLIFICCA 30 or 200 : 


  1. Apis mellifica is made from honeybee. 
  2. The live bees put into a bottle are irritated by shaking and upon them is poured 5 times their weight of dilute alcohol.
  3.  The whole is allowed to remain for 8 days been shaken twice a day.
  4. The tincture is then poured off, strained, and filtered.
  5. It mainly acts upon the skin, mucous membrane, serous membrane cellular tissue, etc.
10 best Sore throat medicine in homeopathy
Image source Pixabay

Sore Throat symptoms of Apis mellifica – 

  • Dryness with heat, without thirst
  • Swollen inside and outside
  • Burning and stinging sensation in the throat. Cannot swallow solid food 
  • Hoarseness and sense of construction.
  •  Tonsil swollen, bright red, stinging when swallowing.



  1. Bahraich carbonica is made from barium carbonate( a white, odorless, tasteless powder, almost insoluble in water).
  2. It mainly acts upon the nutrition, irritation and hypertrophy of sympathetic gland especially of the throat and neck.

Sore throat symptoms of Baryta Carbonica : 

  • Inflammation of the tonsils due to cold.
  • There is extreme pain in those tonsils
  • The right-sided tonsil is more swollen.
  • Pain feels during swallowing.
  • Pus formation in tonsils


Description of the plant 🌱

  1. An erect perennial herb planted as an ornamental plant.
  2. It is native of the USA and Canada
  3. Root fleshy usually cut into elongated cylindrical segments more or less warty, outer surface dark brown.
  4. Usually longitudinally wrinkled
  5.  Transversely warty or the thicker pieces covered with a soft corky layer.
  6. Fracture tough and fractured surface whitish. 
  7. A homeopathic tincture is made from the root.
  8. Baptisia especially acts upon the blood having a disorganizing and decomposing influence, producing a state similar to that present in low forms of fever and typhoid conditions.
10 best Sore throat medicine in homeopathy
Image source Wikimedia

Sore throat symptoms of Baptisia

  • Suppuration of tonsils 
  • slightest cold with swelling of tonsils 
  • painful indurated swelling of submaxillary gland,
  • overuse of voice.
  • Drug Application : 
  • Medicine should be taken at 3-4 hours intervals.
  • Ancillary rules & diets : 
  • Avoid cold drinks.
  • Warm clothes should be wrapped well.

Dr Dileep Yadav

M.G Homeo Clinic