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Friday, June 11, 2021

Homeopathic pharmacy source animal kingdom, plant kingdom, mineral kingdom, nosode , sarcodes, synthetic source, imponderabilia


Homopathic Pharmacy

Homoeopathic Pharmacy is the art and science of collecting, compounding, combining, preparing, preserving and standardizing drugs and medicines according to the Homoeopathic principle and also dispensing medicines or remedies according to the Homoeopathic principle as based in the tents of Organon of Medicine according to the prescriptions of physicians, which are used in Homoeopathic practice.

The word pharmacopoeia originates from the two Greek words: ‘Pharmacon’ means a drug and ‘poieo’ means to make. Pharmacopoeia is the theoritical part of Pharmacy. Pharmacopoeia is theoretical part of the pharmacy

The first homoeopathic pharmacopoeia was published by Caspari of Leipzing, Germany in 1825. He published “Homoeopathic and Dispensatorium Fur Artze and Apotheker”, thereby giving the first idea of homoeopathic pharmacopoeias for physician and pharmacists. Gradually different homoeopathic establishments or associations published their Pharmacopoeias.

Homeopathic medicines are derived from following sources.

  • Plant Kingdom
  • Animal Kingdom
  • Mineral Kingdom
  • Synthetic source
  • Nosodes
  • Sarcodes
  • Imponderabilia

Plant Kingdom

Medicine of plant kingdom is prepared through mother tincture, which is the vital extract of the whole plant and different parts of the plant. Mother tincture is diluted with alcohol as per the different scales and potencies as per the requirement of the potency of the medicine. Most of the homoeopathic medicines are obtained from plants

  • Medicines prepared from whole plant: Aconite nap, Arnica montana, Atropha belladonna, Chelidonium majus, Drosera rotundifolia, Dulcamara, Euphrasia off, Hyoscyamus nigar, Hypericum nigra, Pulsatilla, Ruta graveolens, Alfalfa, Lobelia inflate etc.
  • Roots: Artemisia vul, Bryonia alba, Calotropis gigantia, Iecacuanha, Rauwolfia serpentine,
  • Stem: Sabina, Saccharum offcinarum.
  • Modified stem: Dioscorea villosa, Filix mas, Helliborus niger, etc.
  • Woods: Ostrya, Virginica, Santalum album, etc.
  • Bark: Mezereum, Rhamnus frangula, Cinnamomum,Pvirginiana, Baptisia tinctoria, Berberis vulgaris, Granatum, Gossypium herbaceum, etc.
  • Leaves: Abroma augusta, kalmia latifolia, laurocerasus, oleander, rhus toxicodendron, tabacum, thuja occidentalis, etc.
  • Flowers: Cina, rhododendron, lupulus, cytisus scoparius, syringa vulgaris, crocus sativa, etc.
  • Fruits: Agnus cactus, crataegus oxy, viscum album (from berries).Aesculus hipp, aesculus glabra ,Terminalia chebula, capsicum, carica papaya, colocynthis (from semimature fruits). Cubeba. Ignatia amara

Animal Kingdom

Drugs of animal kingdom are prepared from the part and whole animal. The method of preparation is same as the plant kingdom. Here, the only difference lies in the source of medicine which is either living or dried whole animal; different parts; secretions; etc. Medicines are also prepared from the milk & venoms of poisonous animals

  • Different parts Badiaga (from skeletons); Calcarea calcinata, Ova tosta, morrhua (from cervical vertebra of a fish).
  • Secretions Orchitinum (from testicular extracts of man); Ophorinum (from ovarian extract of cow); Hippomanes (from the amoniotic fluid taken from a just-born horse).
  • Milk and milk products Colostrum (from first part of human milk); Lac caninum (from bitch milk); Lac defloratum (from skimmed cow-milk).
  • Venoms of poisonous animals Lattrodectus mactans, bufo vulgaris; ampnisboena vermicularis (venoms of lizard and snake).

Mineral Kingdom

The drus are prepared by the metals, chemicals, minerals in compound or individual form.These metals are potentized with Lactose sugar. Method of Potentization minimizes the toxicity of the mineral kingdom drugs .

  • From Metals: Cobaltum (Co), Cuprum met (copper), Ferrum met ( iron), Palladium (Pd), Platinum (Pt), Plumbum met (lead), Stanum met (tin), Tellurium (semi-metal), Zincum met (zinc), Vanadium (Vd), etc.
  • From Minerals: Anthracinum, Graphites, hecla lava, mica, silicea, etc.
  • From Mineral oils: Kerosene, paraffin, petroleum, etc.
  • From Coal-Tar distillation: Napthalene.
  • From Dry distillation of wood: Camphor, kreosote, etc.

Synthetic Source

Synthetic products are used as sources . Potentization procedure finishes the toxicity of the synthetic drugs. Some examples are as follows.

  • Amoxycillin
  • Benadryl
  • Carbimale
  • Cephalexin
  • Ephedrine
  • Isoniazid
  • Streptomycin
  • Theophylline


The remedies which are prepared from disease producing agents (like bacteria or viruses) or diseased parts of human beings, lower animals or plants are called Nosodes. The extract is similarly diluted as mentioned above and potentised as per the homoeopathic principle.

  • From disease products of human beings: Carcinosin (from cancerous tissues); medorrhinum (from gonorrheal virus), psorinum (from a product of psoric virus), syphilinum (from syphilitic germs), tuberculinum (from pus of tubercular abscess), variolinum (from small pox pustules), etc.
  • From disease products of other animals: Anthracinum (from anthrax poison from spleen of affected sheep or cattle), aviare (tuberculin virus of chicken), hydrophobinum (from the saliva of a rabid dog), etc.
  • From diseased plant products: Secale cor (from a fungus growing upon the seed of the secale cerale and other grains), ustilago maydis (from a fungus, growing on the stem, grain of Indian corn).


Drugs are prepared from healthy parts or secretions of animals(Including Humans ). The secretions are mostly hormones.

  • Adrenalinum(from healthy secretion produced by adrenal glands),
  • Cholesterinum, fel tauri, insulin (from pancreatic hormones),
  • Pancreatinum (from pancreas of beef),
  • Pepsinum (from the digestive enzyme pepsin,from the stomach of pig),
  • Pituitary(from the posterior portion of the pituitary gland of sheep),
  • Thyroidinum (from whole endocrine glands of sheep or calf) etc.


Imponderabilia means “which is not weighable”.  Drugs are prepared from energies such as electricity, magnetism, X-rays, Sunrays, Lunar rays, etc.
An example- Alcohol is exposed to X–rays to have a drug called X–ray.

Images by klk_vlogs

M.G Pharmacy
Chitrakoot (U.P)

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