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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Tonsillitis, sore throat, Diphtheria , and homeopathic medicine

 Tonsilitis,   Sore throat , Diphtheria  :-

 Aconitum  napellus  -

Throat very  red, tingling.  -Uvula  feels long,  comes in contact with tongue.  -"Acute inflammation  of  all  that can be  seen and  called throat". (Kent)  Burning,  smarting, dryness,  great redness.  -"Sudden onset in the night after exposure  to cold, raw mind.  -Plethoric person, wakes  at night with violent, burning, tearing sore  throat.  -Cannot swallow. High fever, with  great thirst for  cold water.  -Anxiety  and fever".

 Gelsemium  sempervirens -

-A Gels. condition develops several days  after exposure. Acon. comes on in a few hours. 

 -Gels. for  colds and fevers of  mild winters. Acon.  for  those of violent winters and  biting  cold winds. (Bell.). 

 -Gels. catarrhs excited by  warm, moist, relaxing  weather.

  -Sore  throat, tonsils red;  difficult in swallowing, from weakness of muscles of  deglutition. (Bell. from spasms, not weakness).

  -Shuddering,  as if ice  rubbed  up the back.

  -Hot skin; high temp, with cold extremities.

  -Weight and tiredness of  whole  body.

  -Sore  throat, comes  gradually; with muscular  weakness,  so that food and drink come  back through nose.  (Bell. from spasm).

  -Great remedy  of diphtheritic paralysis. (Phyt.). 

Belladonna  -

Inflammation of throat.  Tongue  bright red or  "strawberry"; dry, burning.

  -Fauces and  tonsils inflamed and bright red. Esp.  right side; extends to left (Lyc.).  -Rapid progress. Constriction on attempting  to swallow; 

ejection of food and drink through nose and mouth. (Gels. from paresis. Bell. 

 -from spasm). 

 -Dryness of fauces. Aversion to liquids. 

 -Typical Bell. has congested, red, hot face and skin; big pupils; heat and dryness marked.

 Phytolacca decandra -

 -Throat sore. Isthmus congested and dark red. 

 -Dark red inflammation of fauces; tonsils swollen. 

 -Feeling of a lump when swallowing saliva, or when turning head to left.

 -Dryness, roughness, burning and smarting (fauces).

 -"As if a ball of red-hot iron had lodged in throat".

 -Throat so full, as if choked, or Pharynx dry, feels like a cavern.

 -Every attempt to swallow sends shooting pains through ears. (Nit. a.). 

 -Unable to swallow even water.

 -Diphtheric inflammation and ulceration of throat. 

 -Diphtheria, with above symptoms. Here Phyt. has made notable cures. 

 -Tongue fiery-red, feels burnt, or pain at root of tongue and into ear on swallowing. 

 -In less severe sore throats one sees not the smooth red swelling of Bell., but a bluish-red inflammation. (Lach.).

 Nux vomica-

 -Sore throat.

 -Colds settle in nose, throat, chest, ears.

 -Sensitive to least draught; sneezing from itching in nose, and to throat and trachea.

 -"Great heat; burning hot, but cannot move or uncover in the least without feeling chilly". 

 -Nux is hypersensitive (Hep.) irritable. 

Apis mellifica-

  -Burning, stinging pains in throat, better for cold, worse for heat. 

 -Oedematous condition; uvula and throat look as if water would flow if pricked. 

 -Pains like bee-stings, with the thrust, and the burning following. 

 -Absence of thirst. (Gels.). 

 -Must be cool; worse for heat; wants cool things.

 -Especially worse from fire and radiated heat.

 Kali carbonicum -

Hoarseness and loss of voice. (Phos., Dros.). -Catches cold with every exposure to fresh air. -"Lump in throat, must be swallowed". 

 -Stinging pains when swallowing. (Apis.). -Uvula long, and neck stiff. 

 -Always taking cold, and it settles in throat. -Chilliness; perspires much. Worse cold air, water, draughts; better warmth. 

 -"Fish-bone sensation in throat" so soon as he catches, or becomes, cold. (Hep., Merc., Nit. a.). 

 -Hawks and hems. 

Hepar sulphur -

 -"Seldom of use in incipient colds and throats  - more for established cold". 

 -Fish-bone or crumb sensation. (Merc., Alum., Nit. a., Kali).

 -Worse any exposure; worse cold dry wind. -Intensely sensitive, mind and body. 

 -Easily angry, abusive. 

 -Throat extremely sensitive to touch. (Lach.). Pain as if full of splinters (Nit. a.), pain on swallowing.

 -The whole pharynx in a catarrhal state with copious discharge. 

 -Larynx painful; painful as a bolus of food goes down behind the larynx. 

 -Putting hand out of bed will increase the pain in larynx and cough. 

 -Croup after exposure to cold, dry wind. (Acon.). 


 - Sore throat from damp, cold weather.
 -Tendency to ulceration, which eats and spreads. 
 -Vincent's angina after catching cold. 
 -Sore throat, fills with mucus, with yellow slime.
 -Tonsils inflamed, possible quinsy. (Baryt. c.). 

 Phosphorus - 

 -Larynx raw, sore, furry; "cotton" in throat. -Tonsils and uvula much swollen; uvula elongated, with dry, burning sensation.
 -Worse passing from warm to cold air.
 -Worse talking and coughing.
 -Hoarseness and aphonia, worse evening.

 Arum triphyllum -

 -Sore throats of speakers and singers.
 -"Clergyman's sore throat" from straining voice, or a cold. 
 -Arum triph. has a marked effect on larynx. -Hoarseness; lack of control over vocal cords. 
 -If raises voice, it goes up with a squeak.
 -Graph. also for "uncertainty of voice, cannot control vocal cords, voice cracks".
 -And Carbo veg. has "deep voice, fails when he attempts to raise it". 
 -But Phyto. also with very bad sore throats. -Corners of mouth and tongue cracked. -Excoriating saliva.
 -Tingling and pricking, lips, tongue, throat, nose; "in spite of soreness they pinch and scratch, and pick and bore into sore parts". 
 -Stinging pain in throat, which is ulcerated, raw and bleeding. 


 -Like "Clergyman's sore throat". (Arum triph.). -Throat dry on waking, with husky weak voice. -It is dark red; uvula long. -Better hot drinks. -Splinter sensation on swallowing. (Hep., Nit. a.). 

 Ignatia amara -

-"A plug in throat", worse when not swallowing.
 -Tonsils studded with small, superficial ulcers. 
 -Constriction about throat, with nervousness and insomnia. (Aphthous sore throat).
 -Constriction also of larynx; "a feather there". 
 -The more he coughs the worse the tickling.

 Capsicum annuum -

 -Throat feels "constricted, spasmodically closed".
 -Worse when not swallowing. (Ing.). 
 -The pain is smarting, as from cayenne pepper.
 -Chill or shuddering after every drink. -Odor from mouth like carrion. 
 -"Caps. is loose, flabby, red, fat and cold". 
 -"Throat looks as if it would bleed, so red. It is puffed, discolored, purple, mottled.
 -Throat remains sore a long time after a cold, or sore throat. (Sulph.). 
 -Does not get very bad, but gets no better.
 -Nose and cheeks red, and cold. 

 Aesculus hippocastanum -

 -Useful in coryza and sore throat. 
 -Coryza thin, watery, burning; with rawness.
 -Sensitive to inhaled cold air. (Phos.).
 -Violent burning in throat, with raw feeling.
 -Fauces dark, congested. 
 -"After the sore throat, engorged veins left". -Hot, dry, stiff. Feeling of fullness in throat and anus.
 -Chronic sore throat with hemorrhoids.

 Pulsatilla pratensis -

- Catarrh of throat. Veins distended, throat bluish-red. 
 -Redness and varicose condition of tonsils. 
 -Stinging pains (Apis) worse swallowing saliva.
 -Better cold, fresh, open air. (Reverse of Phos.).
 -Worse warm air, room, getting feet wet. 
 -(A Puls. patient is weepy, wants fuss and help.)

 Sulphur -

-Sore throat with great burning and dryness.
 -Chronic sore throat. Tonsils enlarged, with purplish aspect lasting for weeks and months; a sore and painfully sensitive throat. 
 -Inflammation purplish, venous. 
 -In a Sulphur patient, "the ragged philosopher", argumentative and speculative. Intolerant of heat. Loves fat. Intolerant of clothing, kicks off covers, and thrusts feet out of bed.

 Baryta muriatica -

  -Warm, damp skin. 
  -Saliva sticking round tonsils. 
  -Tonsils very large, look like big plums. 
 -"A lump in throat".
 -Pains shoot to neck. (Phyt. to ears). 

 Baryta carbonica -

  -Every little exposure to damp or cold results in inflammation of tonsils, throat. (Dulc.).
 -Granulations, throat; worse every cold spell. 
 -A very sore throat that comes on slowly after days of exposure.
 -Children with big tonsils; intellectually and physically dwarfish; slow to develop.
 -Even the sore throat is of very slow development.

 Sepia officinalis -

  -Left side inflamed; much swelling but little redness.
 -Sensation of lump in throat. (Ing.). 
 -Waked with sensation as if had swallowed something which has stuck in throat. 
 -Contraction of throat when swallowing.
 -Sepia is chilly, indifferent, intolerant alike a cold and of close places. 

 Cinnabaris -

 -Throat swollen, tonsils enlarged and red. 
 -"Sensation of something pressing on nose, like a heavy pair of spectacles". 
 -Throat very dry, awakening from sleep. 

Natrum arsenicosum -

  -Throat dark-red, swollen, covered with yellow, gelatinous mucus which gags the patient when he attempts to hawk it out. -Sneezing from draught, or breathing cold air.

 Mercurius solubilis -

  -Smarting, raw, sore throat.
 -Sore throat with every cold. 
 -Tongue : thick, yellow, moist covering. -Profuse sweating without relief. 
 -Thirst with salivation.
 -Bad smell from mouth. 
 -Nasal discharge yellow-green, thick, muco-purulent.
 -Worse at night, and in bed.
 -("Rarely give Merc. if tongue is dry").

 Nitricum acidum -

 -One of the "fish-bone in throat" remedies. 
 -Ulcers in throat, irregular in outline. 
 -"A morsel stuck in pharynx", "as if pharynx constricted". 
 -Swallowing difficult, distorts face and draws head down.
 -Swallowing even a teaspoonful of fluid causes violent pain extending to ear. (Phyto.). 
 -Suddenly appearing, or slowly creeping ulcers on fauces and soft palate. 
 -Large deep ulcers, with bluish margins.
 -Nit. a. is chilly; loves salt and fat; is depressed and anxious. The pains are splinter-like, as if sticking in the part, worse for touch.

 Aurum metallicum -

 -Tonsils red swollen; parotid gland on affected side feels sore. -(Phyto.). 
 -Ulceration of palate and throat (Nit. a.), possibly syphilitic. 
 -Aurum especially where the patient is depressed to the verge of suicide. Loathing of life. 

Kali bichromicum -

 -Throat ulcers which tend to perforate. 
 -Tonsils swollen and inflamed, ulcerated, deep ulcers, 
dropsical, shiny, red, puffy.
 -Discharges ropy and stringy. 
 -Nose, throat, bronchi, all share in this catarrhal condition; discharges thick, yellow, ropy and stick like glue; tough, jellylike; form hard masses.
 -Exudate in throat looks like fine ashes sprinkled on the part. 

 Cantharis vesicatoria -

 -Inflammation of throat with severe burning and rawness. Vesication. 
 -Great constriction of throat and larynx, with suffocation on any attempt to swallow water. (Bell., Merc. cor., Ars., Aurum triph., Caps.). 

 Mercurius corrosivus -

 -Symptoms "almost identical with Canth. But Merc. cor. has more swelling, throat and tongue, and deep ulcers, rather than the extensive vesication of Canth.". 
 -Intense burning in throat. (Ars., Ars. i., Caps.).
 -Uvula swollen, elongated, dark red.
 -Throat symptoms very violent.
 -"Any attempt to swallow causes violent spasms of throat (Bell.) with ejection of the solid or liquid. Distinguished from Bell. by its intense destructive inflammation of throat". 

 Mercurius cyanatus -

  -Throat feels raw and sore. 
 -Looks raw in spots, as if denuded. 
 -Broken-down appearance of mucous membrane, bordering on suppuration.
 -One of our most frequently
-useful remedies in follicular tonsillitis also in Diphtheria, for which it has a great reputation. 
 -In poisonings Merc. cy. has produced membrane in throat, mistaken for Diphtheria. 

 Lycopodium clavatum -

 -Has peculiar hours of aggravation : 4-8 p.m. 
 -Affects right side (in throats, quinsy, Diphtheria) but may extend across to left side.
 -Also extends from above downwards, as when Diphtheria begins in upper part of pharynx, or in nose, and spreads downwards. 
 -Generally better from swallowing warm fluids, or better from holding cold water in mouth. 
 -(Lach. is better for cold, and has spasms of throat from attempting to drink warm drinks) "The throat is extremely painful, it has all the violence of the worst cases of Diphtheria". 

 Lachesis mutus -

 -Left throat especially affected; left tonsil; tends to pass from left to right. (Reverse of Lyc. which goes from right to left) 
Lac. can. -(in throats also, and in Diphtheria) alternates from side to side.
 -Throat bluish
-red. (Phyto., Nat. ars.). 
 -Sense of constriction : "Throat suddenly closing up" or "lump in throat that he must constantly swallow". 
 -Rawness and burning. 
 -External throat is excessively sensitive to touch. (Hep.).
 -Can swallow solids better than liquids; worse empty swallowing. Even relief from swallowing solids. 
 -Nothing must touch larynx or throat. 
 -Worse after sleep; sleeps into an aggravation; or wakes smothering.
 -A most valuable remedy in Diphtheria 
 - left side, or left to right, with above symptoms but without the filthy mouth and tongue of the Mercs. 

 Mercurius iodatus flavus -

 -Throat right side, then left. (Lyc.)(Left to right Lach., Merc. iod. rub.). 
 -Tongue yellow at base. Better cold drinks. 

 Lac caninum-

  -"Throat closing, will choke!".
 -Very sensitive to external touch. (Lach.). 
 -Swallowing almost impossible. 
 -Pain in throat pushes towards left ear. (Phyto. shoots to ears). 
 -Pain, membrane, goes from side to side and back. 
Throat dry, husky, as if scalded.
 -Sore throat before menses since Diphtheria, with patches of exudation on tonsil. Glazed, shiny red throat. A grey, fuzzy coating. Better cold, or warm drink. Worse empty swallowing. 
 -Has cured tonsillitis, Diphtheria; has been used as prophylactic against Diphtheria. 
 -Lac. can. is intensely sensitive and obsessed, sees faces, sees spiders, snakes, vermin.
 -Cannot bear to be alone. 
 -Thinks she has a loathsome disease, that everything she says is a lie. 

 Baptisia tinctoria -

 -Pain and soreness of fauces. 
 -Fauces dark red, dark putrid ulcers, tonsils and parotids swollen.
 -Unusual absence of pain, in an extremely bad throat, is characteristic of Baptisia. 
 -Oesophagus feels constricted, can only swallow water. 
 -But all this with the Baptisia "typhoid condition", drowsy, dull red, as if drugged, lapses into a comatose condition. Rapid onset of very severe symptoms, and rapidly curative in the Baptisia case. 

 Pyrogenium -

 -Septic throats, with extreme fetor. 
 -Taste as if mouth full of pus. Carrion
-like odor. Offensive sweats. 
 -Tongue, red glazed; then dark red, intensely dry, or flabby; yellow-brown streak down center.
 -Pulse very high or out of proportion to temperature. 
 -Diphtheria with extreme fetor. 
 -Quinsy with rapid suppuration. 
 -Extreme restlessness. 

         M.G Homeo Clinic
     Karwi Chitrakoot (U.P)

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