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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Female disorders at puberty


* The girl often weeps while stating her symptoms. She is usually of good nature. ----- . Puls.

* Menstrual trouble from wetting the feet just before menses. -----  Puls.

* Delayed first menstruation. -----  Puls.

* Diarrhśa during or after menses. ----- Puls.

* Menses unduly delayed and do not start at proper age. -----  Puls.

* In chlorosis she desires strange foods and also a craving to eat strange articles, such as hair, dirt or sand. ----- . Alum.

* Melancholia. Suffering from the effects of disappointed affection. ----- .Ant - c.

* Menses suppressed with cerebral and head symptoms, especially in young girls. There is more or less śdema. ----- APIs.

* Dysmenorrhśa of young girls. - Aquarium


* Epileptic conditions and convulsive diseases of girls at puberty. ----- Artem v

* Palpitation of heart in young girls. High blood pressure. ----- . Aur.

* Mammć turgid (swollen) with milk in the unimpregnated girls at puberty. ----- Asad.

* Disposition to pimples at puberty. ----- Aster.

* Foul breath in girls at puberty. Ulceration of gums. ----- Aur.

* Persons subject to quinsy. Muscular atrophy. ----- Bar- c.

* Frequent bleeding of nose when menses should appear. ----- Bry.

* Menses too early, too profuse, too long. ----- Calc.

* Backache and leucorrhśa. -----  Ova tosta

* Goitre of puberty. -----  Calc- I.

* Headache of school girls. ----- Calc- p.

* Burning desire for marriage. ----- Caust.

* Rapid atrophy of breasts. Women with very large breasts and tumour in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it. ----- Chim- u

* Facial blemishes in young women. ----- .Cimi.


* Acne in anćmic girls at puberty. -----  Cycl.

* Large abdomen in girls at puberty with constipation. Mammć swollen and hard. Nipple sore, cracked and blistered. Decided aversion to coitus. ----- Graph.

* Tired backachy females. Pruritus vulvć. Breasts swollen, nipple painful and tender. -----. Hello.

* Delayed menses in young girls, with chest symptoms or ascites. Difficult first menses. Tendency to tuberculosis. -----. Kali- c

* Prostration. Weak and tired. Especially adapted to the young. Extreme lassitude and depression. Headache of students, and those worn out by fatigue. Breath offensive, fetid. ----- Kali- p.

* Constipation from puberty. Amenorrhśa with non-development of breast, a girl reaches age of 15 to 18 without starting of menses. -----  Lyc.

* Mammć full of milk at menses in place of menses. -----  Marc- s.

* Breasts too small and without milk. ----- Nat-M

* Sexual desire completely destroyed in female. ----- . Onos.

* Violent sexual excitement in women. -----  Ferula Glauca

* Effective in masturbation and excessively aroused sexual impulses. -----  Orig.

* Epistaxis of tall slim girls. -----  Phos.

* Delayed puberty with defective development of breasts. -----  Pituitary.

* Masturbation before the age of puberty and its bad effects. -----   plat.

* Undeveloped mammary glands. Breasts shrunk due to menses or some other diseases of uterus. ----- . Sabal - s.

* Menses retarded, suppressed. Functional amenorrhśa of young girls with backache. -----  Senecio.

* Prolapse of uterus and vagina. Vagina painful, especially on coition. ----- Sep.

* Dwells on sexual matters. -----  Staph.

* Large abdomen in girls at puberty. Burning in vagina. ----- Sulph.

* Frigidity of female. Aids the establishment of normal menstrual flow in young girls. -----   Turnera 

* Neuralgic dysmenorrhśa, with neuralgic headache. Mental depression. -----  Canth.

* Delayed puberty. -----    Zink.

M.G Homeo Clinic

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