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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tissu salts combination 12 biochemic remedies

 ðŸ§‚Schuessler Tissue Salts Combination 12 Tablets have been specifically formulated for the symptoms of Fatigue and exhaustion. Each tablet contains equal amounts of:🧂

🧂Calc Fluor -

 for haemorrhoids, varicose veins, cracked skin, muscle strain & injured ligaments.

🧂Calc Phos -

 for anaemia, indigestion and bone diseases.

🧂Calc Sulph - 

for skin disorders, spots, pimples & slow healing wounds.

🧂Ferr Phos - 

for inflammation, redness, throbbing & the 1st stage of a Respiratory illness.

🧂Kali Mur - 

for mucous congestion, Coughs, glandular swellings,tonsilitis, & Sore Throats.

🧂Kali Phos - 

for nervous tension, Depression, irritability & tension headaches.

🧂Kali Sulph -

 for dandruff, dry scaling skin, chicken pox & other minor eruptions of the skin.

🧂Mag Phos - 

for spasmodic pain, muscle cramps, spasms & twitches.

🧂Nat Mur -

 for excessive moisture or dryness, runny nose, loss of smell & loss of taste.

🧂Nat Phos -

 for acidity, idigestion, dyspepsia & heartburn

🧂Nat Sulph -

 for bilousness, liver upsets & water retention.

🧂Silica -

for pimples, boils, Ulcers, styes & Hair, skin + Nails.

🧂Schuessler Tissue Salts Combination 12 Tablets include the twelve mineral salts that are present in the Body. An imbalance in any of these Minerals may lead to a range of ailments. Schuessler Tissue Salts Combination 12 Tablets are suitable for the whole family and may be taken alongside other medications and dietary Supplements including Vitamins and minerals.🧂

M.G Homeo Clinic

Dr Dileep Homeopathy

Contact us WhatsApp - 7905406952

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