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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Enuresis, Bed wetting and it's Homeopathy medicine



Night time loss of bladder control or in simple terms 'BED WETTING' usually in children.

Bed wetting in children before the age of 7 years is not a big concern as your child may still developing bladder control.

Generally male child is more affected then girl child with ratio of 2:1


1. Bed wetting even after the age of 7 years.

2. Child starts bed wetting after one or two months of being dry at night.

3. Bed wetting is accompanied by painful urination, unusual thirst, pink or red urine, hard stools, and snoring.


1. Hereditary 

2. Small bladder

3. Infection of kidney or bladder

4. Type 1 diabetes 

5. Stress

6. Fear


1. CAUSTICUM - Nocturnal enuresis for involuntary urination, worse in winter and better in summer. Incontinence of urine when the child coughs or sneeze or even laugh. 

2. KREOSOTUM - Bedwetting occurs in the first half of the sleep and the child must hurry when desire comes to urinate. 

3. EQUISETUM - Nocturnal enuresis for incontinence in children, with dreams of urination. Severe pain at the close of urination. 

4. LYCOPODIUM - Nocturnal enuresis. Pain in back before urinating with thin stream of urine. Child cries before micturation. 

5. BELLADONNA - This remedy is indicated for children who have frequent and profuse urination after midnight approaching the morning hours. A good remedy choice if the bedwetting is due to a bladder infection.

6. SULPHUR - Indicated in condition of bed wetting in first half of night. The child loves to eat sweets and spices. Child see vivid dreams and sleeps with feet out of the blanket. 

7. BORAX - Bed wetting in child due to fear. 

8. SEPIA - Great remedy to treat bed wetting and kidney troubles. This is often recommended in case of female child who love to be active and dance. Bed wetting in first half of the night.

M.G Homeo Clinic

Karwi Chitrakoot (U.P)

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