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Monday, June 21, 2021

Peonia officinalis Homoeopathic Medicine


Pæonia belongs to the great order of Ranunculaceæ, which includes the Aconites, Actæas, and Hellebores. The proving brings out many symptoms of congestion─rush of blood to head, face, chest; burning heat and redness of eyes and face; burning, itching, and swelling of anus; heat in throat; in skin. The symptoms are well characterised, but it is principally the anal and skin symptoms which have been verified in practice. One of the symptoms of the proving is this: “A small ulcer on perineum near anus that constantly oozes very offensive moisture; painful for eight days.” This symptom has been expanded by clinical observation, principally Ozanam’s, into ulceration in general, ulcers from pressure, as bed-sores, and from ill-fitting boots. “Sensation of splinter sticking in skin of right great toe when touched,” and “violent pain as from pressure in left little toe,” are guiding symptoms of the provings which put that great prescriber on the right track here.

The ulcers are the seat of severe shooting pains. The symptoms of Ozanam’s cases are bracketed in the Schema. These observations show the relationship between Pæon. and the Hellebores. The situation of the ulcer of the proving, together with the anal symptoms─biting, itching, swelling, burning─clearly point to Pæon. as a remedy in anal affections such as abscess, fissure, fistula, and piles.

The leading indications are intolerable pain during and after stool and oozing of moisture. Experience has proved that varicose veins as well as anal varices are amenable to Pæon. The dreams experienced by the provers were of a terrifying nature; and it is interesting to note, as Geyer, one of the provers, does, that both Dioscorides and Plinius cured nightmare with Pæon., the former with the seeds, the latter with the root. Geyer was ignorant of this fact until after he had experienced the nightmare-causing power of the drug. As the tissues are sensitive to pressure and injury, the mind is also sensitive: “Griping pain in abdomen, preceded, and especially followed, by anxiety, trembling of legs and arms as though he were frightened; he became apprehensive if any one spoke to him, and unpleasant news affected him exceedingly.” There is fainting with diarrhœa; and the stools are followed by intense chilliness, occurring generally a few hours after he felt the worst. The symptoms were pressure from lower jaw to inner ear. Drinking water > vertigo with nausea. The right side is more affected than the left.

Reference: Clarke’s Materia Medica.

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