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Monday, June 21, 2021

Animal based kingdom Homoeopathic Medicine

 © 2019 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 159

Review Article

Homoeopathic system of medicine is the second largest
medical system in the world. Homoeopathic medicines are
prepared from wide range of natural sources such as plants,
chemicals, minerals, microbes and animals. Homoeopathic
medicines prepared from animals’ venoms, secretions and
uids etc., [Table 1] have special place in the homoeopathic
pharmacy. The quality, safety and therapeutic efcacy of
animal-based drugs chiey depend on their genuineness. The
crude drugs from animal sources remain questionable for their
quality, especially when they are procured commercially from
trade due to adulteration, substitution and inappropriate storage
conditions. Therefore, it is an essential aspect to check the
current nomenclatures, diagnostic specications, identication
and authentication of source materials of raw drugs, testing and
preparation methods of medicines, etc., according to modern
scientic validation on regular basis.
However, there are many challenges associated with
identication, authentication and collection of source materials
for production of animal-based drugs; for example, medicines
procured from endangered species, those bred in captivity
and sometimes dangerous to handle. To overcome these
challenges, it is necessary to undertake in-depth study of the
chemical constituents of the drugs, originated from animals.
This is particularly important as this not only will unravel the
origin of their bioactivities of those drugs but also will pave the
path of the synthesis of the therapeutically relevant chemical
constituents to successfully substitute the existing formulation
in case of the unavailability of the natural sources.
In Homoeopathy, there are numerous drugs. Considering their
necessity for public health, Ministry of AYUSH, Government
of India has listed a number of drugs under the essential drug
list (EDL).[1(i)] Few of the aforementioned list are of animal
origin. We here review those drugs. Thus, even though Table 1
has covered almost all animal-based homoeopathic drugs, we
envisioned that discussion of the drugs in EDL will largely
Homoeopathy is one of the most well-practiced medical systems in the world. In Homoeopathy, like all other natural sources, animal and
their secretions have been widely used. However, unlike other natural sources of homoeopathic drugs, for example, plants and chemicals,
the collection and preparation of animal-based drugs are extremely challenging, especially for drugs from exotic animals. Considering the
challenges, we envision that a review regarding the animal-based therapeutics, used in Homoeopathy, may be useful. Our review, consistently
has found that the discoveries of the modern biomedicine agree with the reports from the homoeopathic literature. In many cases, the recent
biomedical and medicinal chemistry research aptly justies the ndings of the old homoeopathic literature. Even though there are many
animal-based homoeopathic drugs, this review will focus only on those drugs which are included in Essential Drugs List of Homoeopathy.
We believe this article will not only be benecial towards homoeopathic community but also may provide needed information regarding
homoeopathic ndings for future biomedical research.
Keywords: Animal-based drugs, Biomedicine, Homoeopathy, Sarcodes
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*Address for correspondence: Dr. Bibaswan Biswas,
Drug Standardisation Unit (H), OUB‑32, Vikrampuri, Road No. 4,
Habsiguda, Hyderabad ‑ 500 007, Telangana, India.
Received: 08.03.2019; Accepted: 11.09.2019
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How to cite this article: Biswas B, Sundaram EN, Jhansi S, Patel S,
Khurana A, Manchanda RK. A review on animal-based homoeopathic
drugs and their applications in biomedicine. Indian J Res Homoeopathy
A review on animal‑based homoeopathic drugs and their
applications in biomedicine
Bibaswan Biswas1*, E. N. Sundaram1, Shyaga Jhansi1, Satish Patel1, Anil Khurana2, Raj K. Manchanda2
1Drug Standardisation Unit (H), Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Hyderabad, Telangana, 2Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India
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Table 1: Animal‑based homoeopathic drugs
Name of drugs Name of animal source material
Badiaga Calcispongiae: Fresh water sponge (skeleton)
Spongia tosta Common sponge (skeleton)
Medusa Jelly sh (whole living animal)
Physalia Portuguese man-of-war (whole living animal)
Corallium rubrum Red coral (skeleton)
Sanguisuga Hirudo, the leech (whole living animal)
Helix tosta Toasted snail (whole living animal)
Murex purpurea Purple-sh (juices)
Calcarea calcinata Calcinated oyster shell (shell)
Sepia Cuttlesh (juice)
Asterias rubens Star-sh (whole living animal)
Armadillo ofcinalis Sow bug, sow louse (whole dried animal)
Astacus uviatilis Crawsh or river crab (whole living animal)
Homarus Lobster (digestive uid)
Limuluscyclops King crab (blood)
Scolopendra Centipede (whole living animal)
Aranea diadema The cross spider (whole living animal)
Aranea scinencia Grey spider (whole living animal)
Aranearum tela Black spider (cobweb)
Araneinum Juice of greasy spider Aranea scinencia
Buthus australis Algerian scorpion (venum)
Enturoides elegans Scorpion (poison)
Latrodectus katipo Poison spider (whole living animal)
Latrodectus mactans Black widow spider (whole living animal)
Mygale lasiodora Black Cuban spider (whole living animal)
Scorpio europus Scorpion (whole living animal)
Tarentula cubensis Cuban spider (whole living animal)
Tarentula hispania Spanish spider (whole living animal)
Theridion curassavicum Orange spider (whole living animal)
Trombidium A parasite found upon common house y
Apis mellica Honeybee (whole living animal)
Apium virus Honeybee (poison)
Blatta americana American cockroach (whole living animal)
Blatta orientalis Indian cockroach (whole living animal)
Bombyx Caterpillars (whole living animal)
Cantharis Spanish y (whole dried animal)
Cimexacanthia Bedbug (whole living animal)
Coccinella septempunctata Ladybird beetle (whole living animal)
Coccus cacti Cochineal insect (whole dried animal)
Culex musca Culex mosquito (whole living animal)
Doryphora Colorado beetle (whole living animal)
Pediculus capitis Head louse (whole living animal)
Formica rufa The ant (whole living animal)
Pulex irritants Common ea (whole living animal)
Vespa crabro Wasp, European hornet (whole living animal)
Serum anguillar ichthyotoxin Eel serum (serum)
Gadus morrhua Cod (rst cervical vertebra)
Oleum jecoris aselli Cod-liver oil (oil)
Pyrarara River sh (nosode) (whole living animal)
Bufo rana Common toad (poison)
Bufo sahytiensis Brazilian toad
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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2019
Table 1: Contd...
Name of drugs Name of animal source material
Amphisbaena vermicularis Snake-like lizard (poison)
Heloderma Gila monster (poison)
Lacerta agilis Green lizard (whole dried animal)
Bothrops lanceolatus Yellow viper (poison)
Cenchris contortrix Copperhead snake (venom)
Crotalus horridus North American rattlesnake (venom)
Bungarus fasciatus Banded Krait (poison)
Chelone Snake-head or Turtle-head
Crotalus cascavella Brazilian rattle snake (poison)
Elaps corallinus Brazilian coral snake (poison)
Lachesis trigonocephalus Surukuku snake (venom)
Naja tripudians Indian hooded snake (venom)
Toxicophis Moccasin snake (venom)
Vipera Common viper (venom)
Calcarea ovi testae Egg-shell (shell)
Ovi gallinae pellicula Hen’s egg (fresh membrane of shell)
Carbo animalis Ox (charred hide)
Castor equi Horse (thumbnail)
Castoreum Beaver (secretion found in pre-putial sacs)
Feltauri Ox (gall)
Ingluvin Fowl (gizzard)
Mephatis Skunk (liquid contained in the anal gland)
Moschus Musk deer (inspissated secretion contained in pre-putial follicles)
Cervus brazilliens Brazilian deer (fresh hide)
Pulmo vulpis Wolf or fox (fresh lung)
Sphingurus Tree porcupine (prickles)
Vulpis heper Fox (liver)
Lacs (milk and milk products)
Koumyss Fermentation from ass’s milk
Lac caninum Bitch’s milk
Lac deoratum Skimmed cow’s milk
Lac felinum Cat’s milk
Lac vaccinioc Milk cream
Lac vaccinum Cow’s milk
Lac vaccinum coagulatum Curds
D. Sarcodes
Whole endocrine glands
Thyroidinum Thyroid glands of sheep or calf
Pituitarinum posterium Post-position of pituitary gland of sheep
Adrenalin (Epinephrine) Hormone produced by adrenal gland/synthetic salt of adrenalin hydrocloricum
Cortisone Hormone secreted by cortex of adrenal gland of man
Cortisone acetate Cortisone monoacetate
Adrenocorticotrophin Hormone produced by pituitary gland
Insulin Hormone produced by pancreas
Orchitinum Testicular extract
Oophorium Ovarian of cow, sheep, pig
Pancreatium Pancreas of beef containing digestive enzyme
Corpus luteum Ovaries of pregnant animals
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Table 2: Animal‑based homoeopathic drugs under
essential drug list
Homoeopathy drug Description
Apis mellica Honey (whole live bee)
Badiaga Dried fresh water sponge
Blatta orientalis Whole insect (crushed)
Bufo rana Poisonous venom from dorsal gland of common
Cantharis Dried whole Spanish y
Carbo animalis Ox-hide (charred hide)
Crotalus horridus Venom of North American rattle snake
Eel serum Eel serum
Formica rufa Red wood ant (crushed whole live ant)
Lac caninum Bitch milk
Lac deoratum Skimmed cow milk
Lachesis Venom of Surukuku snake
Mephitis Skunk (liquid contained in the anal gland)
Murex purpurea Sea snail (juice found in sac situated between
heart and liver)
Mygale Black Cuban spider (live whole spider)
Naja tripudians Indian cobra (venom)
Sepia Cuttlesh (dried liquid contained in the ink bag)
Spongia tosta Marine sponge (common roasted sponge)
Tarentula cubensis Cuban spider (live whole spider)
Tarentula hispana Spanish spider (live whole spider)
Trombidium Mite (live whole animal)
Thyroidinum Domestic sheep (dried whole thyroid glands)
Vipera Russell’s viper (venom)
serve the purpose of the review. The animal-based EDL drugs
which will be discussed in detail are listed in Table 2.
This review essentially includes the exploration and
characterisation of bioactive chemicals present in those
medicines of animal origin. In this article, we discussed the
research related to the therapeutic uses of the certain widely
administrated animal-based homoeopathic drugs (under EDL)
as well as their medicinally relevant ingredients. Furthermore,
we seek to address the issue of unavailability of the raw drugs
by replacing them with synthetic sources. We hope this review
article will be benecial towards the research not only related
to Homoeopathy but also to overall biomedical research.
apIs MellIfIca
Homoeopathic use
The homoeopathic formulation consists of whole live
European honey bees Apis mellica Linn. (Synonym: Apis
mellica; Family: Apidae). In Homoeopathy, Dr. C. W. Wolf
and Dr. William Boericke, M.D. reported several uses of Apis
mellica.[1(ii),2] Dr. William Boericke reported the use of Apis
mellica in physiological and psychological ailments. The
ailments include burning while urination, involuntary passage
of stool on every motion, swollen ery red tonsils, vertigo with
sneezing, headache, indifference, apathy and stupor alternating
with erotic mania.[2] Overall, physiological effects of the drug
chiey deal with external as well as internal inammation.[2]
Rev. Brauns, a clergyman of Thuringia, was rst to report
honeybee venom in their pure form as a therapeutic agent.
He eventually published his results regarding the animal
trials. E. E. Marcy, in Theory and Practice, published his
results regarding the medical usage of dried and powdered
bees. Recognising the immense therapeutic activity of
bee venom, the clinical ndings were reported in the form
of a monograph in the Amerikanische Arzneiprüfungen
(American Proving), Vol. I, p. 171-422.
Research in modern biomedicine
Recent scientic study related to the bioactivity of venoms
has explored the potential medicinal usage of bee venom in
modern medicines. Owen detected the presence of Serotonin,
5-hydroxytryptamine, an essential human neurotransmitter in
bee venom.[3] Their further study proved that serotonin is a
fundamental component of the venom.[4] Lin’s work indicated
that bee venom possesses anticoagulant properties.[5] The
main toxin present in bee venom is Melittin, a small peptide
[Figure 1]. It exhibits numerous bioactivities.[6,7] Its anticancer
activity was reported by Song and Hong. They found that
melittin as well as the bee venom inhibited the growth of
SKOV3 and PA-1 ovarian cancer cells.[8] Beside melittin,
the constituents of bee venom include number of bioactive
peptides, enzymes and small molecules.[9,10] New ndings
have also conrmed the use of bee venom as antinociceptive
Table 1: Contd...
Name of drugs Name of animal source material
Other sarcodes
Fel tauri Fresh ox-gall
Vulpistel Fresh fox-gall
Parotidinum Parotid gland
Cholesterinum Main constituents of gall bladder and bile
Mammary gland Glands of cow and sheep
Placenta Extracts of placenta
Spleen Extracts of spleen
Ingluvin Gizzard of fowl
Lecithin Yolk of egg and animal brain
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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2019
agent.[11] The report suggested that the origin of the activity
of the venom is due to its anti-inammatory activity.[12] Bee
venom also shows antibacterial activity towards Gram-positive
and Gram-negative bacteria.[13] It shows activity against
penicillin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus.[13] Bee
venom is also known to show anti-HIV, at large antiviral
activities.[14] It also shows anticancer activities chiey via
Homoeopathic use
Cockroaches are considered as one of the most abundant
pests in the world and survived many mass extinctions. Until
recently, the therapeutic effects of the cockroaches have not
been recognised by the scientic community. However, this is
not the case with the homoeopathic community.
There are many medicinal properties reported with cockroaches,
Blatta orientalis and Blatta americana in Homoeopathy. These
two species are native to two different geographical area as
indicated in their species name. B. orientalis is chiey used to
treat asthma while Blatta Americana is used for oedema.[17-20]
Research in modern biomedicine
The benecial effects of homoeopathic drug B. orientalis
which is under EDL has been explored by recent biomedical
communities.[21,22] The study has shown antibacterial activity
of B. orientalis hemolymph against ve bacterial strains.
The bacterial strains are Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli,
Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. Highest activity was observed with E. coli.
Moderate activity was seen against P. mirabilis, S. aureus and
P. aeruginosa. The lowest activity was observed against S. typhi.
The SDS-PAGE analysis showed bands at 18 kDa, 30 kDa and
66 kDa. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) showed peaks from
3299 cm−1 to 546 cm−1. The FTIR studies suggest the presence
of cyclopeptane, aromatic compounds, triazoles, secondary
sulphonamide, bromo compounds, secondary amide, vinyl
halides, thiophenes, aldehyde group, methylene compound and
sulphonic acid groups. The authors suggested that the presence
of these functional groups may lead to its antibacterial effects.
Considering the potential of these drugs, chemical analysis
of the drugs has been carried out.[23] The study provided the
physicochemical standards for the homoeopathic formulation
of the drug. In the work, the HPTLC data showed many spots
indicating chemical complexity of the aqueous ethanolic
extract of the drug.
Homoeopathic use
Sponges have been extensively used in Homoeopathy. In
Homoeopathy, both fresh water and marine sponges have been
used to treat numerous ailments. The homoeopathic drug derived
from fresh water sponge Spongilla lacustris Linn (Family:
Spongillidae; Synonyms: Spongilla uviatilis) is called Badiaga,
while the Spongia tosta is made from marine sponge Spongia
ofcinalis Linn. (Family: Spongiidae; Synonyms: Euspongia
ofcinalis).[24,25] Badiaga has been widely used by homoeopathic
practitioners. Dr. T.F Allen described the use of Badiaga in
physiological ailments.[26] For example, he reported the use of
the drug, especially for headache. Beside headache, it has also
been used as overall pain reliever. Interestingly, he mentioned
the use of the drug for Bubo. Dr. C. Hering reported its usage in
inammatory conditions of eye, throat and head.[27] J.H. Clarke
reported that the drug can be employed for breast cancer.[28]
Similar to Badiaga, Spongia tosta has also been extensively
used by homoeopathic practitioner around the world. According
to Dr. James Tyler Kent, this particular drug is especially
benecial for thyroid and cardiac diseases.[29] His report has been
supported by the writings of Dr. H.C. Allen, Dr. E.A. Neatby
and Dr. William Boericke.[30-32] Interestingly, Chinese traditional
medicine reports the use of sponge in goitre.[33]
Research in modern biomedicine
Homoeopathic clinical observations have been supported by
recent discovery of anti-inammatory agents from sponges.
There are many such agents which have been isolated,
characterised and their activities have been evaluated
from sponges. Chemically, those agents can broadly be
classied into four classes: terpenes, steroids, nitrogenous,
octahydroindenes and glycolipids. Among them, terpenes
is the most important, as many sponge-originated terpenes
(>20) have shown anti-inammatory activities (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6) [Figure 2].[34] Interestingly, the extracted anti-inammatory
agents additionally show antiallergic and anticancer activities
(e.g., avarol and avarone).[35] These ndings are in agreement
with the Homoeopathy literatures.[28] Manoalide shows
antibiotic, analgesic and anticancer effects.[36,39] Ilimaquinone
shows anticancer activities [Figure 2].[38] Plakotenin is reported
to exhibit cytotoxicity, a potential anticancer agent [Figure 2].[39]
Topsentin shows antitumour and antiviral activities [Figure 2].[40]
Similarly, Spongilipid tetracosan-1-ol-1-O--D-gluco-
pyranoside, isolated from fresh water sponge shows cytotoxic
activities.[41] S. lacustris powder extract in 3% hydrogen
Figure 1: Structure of Melittin bee venom molecules
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peroxide solution has also been used to treat acne vulgaris.[42]
A number of polyenoic fatty acids, having anti-microbial
properties, have also been isolated from fresh water sponge.
The studies show that the secondary metabolites from sponge
exhibit antibacterial, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, antifungal and
antibacterial effects. Compared to antibacterial agents, antiviral
agents are rare. However, there are a number of antiviral
compounds which have been isolated from marine sponge. The
ndings are quite important as Dragmacidin F which shows
anti-HIV properties [Figure 3].[43] Overall, modern biomedical
science recognises sponges as one of the most important
sources for bioactive natural products.
Considering the immense potential of marine sponges and
reported homoeopathic literature, researchers explored
Spongia tosta formulation similar to Homoeopathy in in vitro
study.[44] Methanolic extract of Spongia tosta exhibits free
radical scavenging activity and cytotoxicity against breast
cancer cell line MCF 7. Encouraged by their result, the same
group further explored the cytotoxic effects of ethanolic
extract of Spongia tosta further.[44] They found that the drug
shows anticancer activity against liver carcinoma, African
green monkey kidney cell line, colon cancer cell line and lung
cancer cell line. In accordance, the homoeopathic literatures’
sponges also are found to exhibit antitumor, cardiovascular
and muscle-relaxing activities.[45]
Eryloside F, a penasterol disaccharide isolated from sponge, is a
thrombin receptor antagonist [Figure 4].[46] Another compound,
Cyclotheonamide A inhibits serine protease [Figure 4].[47]
Halichlorine, a cyclic aza polyketide, is a VCAM 1* inhibitor
[Figure 4].[48] All these ndings strongly suggest that marine
sponge likely to possess very high level of efcacy towards
cardiovascular diseases. Interestingly, sponges are known to
contain muscle relaxants. For example, Xestospongin C and
S1319 [Figure 5].[49] Beside muscle-relaxing effect, S1319
exhibits bronchodilation property.[50]
Bufo Rana
Homoeopathic use
Bufo Rana is a homoeopathic remedy, made from the poison
secreted from the dorsal glands of a toad, called Bufo bufo
Linn. (Family: Bufonidae; Synonyms: Rana bufo Linn.,
Bufo vulgaris Lau.) As this poison is part of their defence
mechanism, it can be extracted by threatening or irritating the
toad. In 1879, Dr A. Cowperthwaite, of Iowa, in his Materia
Medica reported the usefulness of the drug for ailments of
cerebrospinal system. Dr. Henry Clarke reported the use of
the drug to treat dropsy. However, this drug has mostly used
Figure 2: Sponge‑based bioactive molecules: A
Figure 3: Sponge‑based bioactive molecules: B
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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2019
to treat epilepsy. Dr. Holocombe recorded a case history in
detail where Bufo rana was successfully administered to treat
epilepsy.[51] Beside neurological disorders, this drug is known
to cure a number of diseases, for example, cancer, stammering,
meningitis, heart disorders, gout and skin disorders.[52]
Research in modern biomedicine
The therapeutic values of the toad poison have recently been
explored through research in the eld of biomedicine with the
help of chemical biology. Recent research has isolated and
characterises a number of biologically active chemicals from
the venom. Interestingly, most of them show considerable
neurological effect. The existence of neuroactive compounds
in toad venom clearly provides evidence for homoeopathic
literature. Toad venom contains serotonin, 5-MeO-DMT,
bufalin, bufotenin, norepinephrine, bufagins, epinephrine,
bufothionine and bufotalin [Figure 6].[53]
Serotonin chiey has numerous effects in human body. It reduces
depression, regulates anxiety, heals wounds, stimulates nausea,
maintains bone health, balances libido and mental stability.
5-MeO-DMT, used as a recreational drug, possesses neurological
effect. The effect of bufotenin is similar to that of 5-MeO-DMT.
In fact, the mode of action of serotonin, 5-MeO-DMT and
bufotenin are similar.[53] Bufalin exhibits in vitro antitumor
activity against different malignant tumours, including lung
carcinoma and hepatocellular.[54,55] Norepinephrine, a toad
venom-based compound, has diverse biological activity
and arguably one of the most important components of
bufotoxins.[56] It acts as a stress hormone, neurotransmitter
and vasoconstrictor. Arenobufagin acts as an isoform-specic
probe. This can be employed for sensing human sulfotransferase
2A1.[57] Cinobufagin has extensive clinical importance. It could
be used to treat cancer, heart failure and pain (analgesic).[58]
Marinobufagenin is a vasoconstrictor.[59] Epinephrine is used
for cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis and supercial haemorrhage.
Inhalation of epinephrine can be administrated to lessen the
symptoms of croup.[60]
sea snaIl
Homoeopathic use
Murex purpurea is prepared from juice found in sac situated
between heart and liver of sea snail, Bolinus brandaris
Linn. (Family: Muricidae; Synonyms: Murex brandaris Linn.,
Haustellum brandaris Linn.). The shell is usually golden brown
with a very long siphonal canal and a rounded body and a
rounded and broad body whorl. There are many therapeutic
effects documented in Homoeopathy literature.[61] The effects
are associated with ailments related to head, stomach, larynx
and urinary tract. However, the most important and widely
appreciated effect of the drug is its effect on women’s health.
Both Dr. A. Lippe and J. Hempel reported the effectiveness of
Murex purpurea in treating pains of women’s genital organs
including cancer.[61,62]
Research in modern biomedicine
Recent biomedical research also provides evidences regarding
therapeutic properties of Murex purpurea. Benkendorff
reported anticancer activity of the drug.[62]
Snails are known to contain large number of biological
compounds. As a result, this well-known traditional medicine
has been immensely investigated by the modern biomedical
communities. In general, the bioactive chemicals coming
from snail could be classied into two categories: (a) small
molecules and (b) proteins. Both classes show signicant
Biliverdin IX, derived a green tetrapyrrolic bile pigment,
shows considerable antioxidant and antimutagenic activities
[Figure 7]. Its antioxidant effect could be attributed to its ability
to act as a peroxyl radical scavenger.[63] It also shows activities
towards preventing cardiovascular diseases. Interestingly,
this compound also acts as an HIV-1 protease inhibitor.[64]
Furthermore, it has also been successfully used in uorescence
imaging.[65] 7-Dehydrocholesterol acts as provitamin-D3protects
skin from ultraviolet rays [Figure 7]. Tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxin,
has been studied to combat cancer-related pain [Figure 7].[66]
Its effectiveness has been supported by clinical trials. This
Figure 5: Sponge‑based bioactive molecules: D
Figure 4: Sponge‑based bioactive molecules: C
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has also been used to treat migraine. This mode of action is
suggested to be associated with TTX-sensitive Na+ channel.
Furthermore, it is clinically used to treat headache during
heroin withdrawal.[67] Murexine and senecioylcholine exhibit
neuromuscular-blocking activities through affecting nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors [Figure 7].[68] 6-bromoisatin and
structurally related compound impart apoptosis in female
reproductive cancer cell selectively [Figure 7].[69] It also
shows antipathogenic activity.[68] Acrylylcholine, extracted
from snails, show neuromuscular blocking activity, in the
hypobranchial gland [Figure 7].[68]
The second class of bioactive compounds from the snails are
proteins. Conkunitzin S1, protein isolated from snail, can
be used to increase glucose-stimulated insulin secretion via
blocking Kv1.7 potassium currents [Figure 8].[70] Ziconotide
is a synthetic and non-opioid, analgesic [Figure 8].[71] This
has been approved by Food and Drug Administration,
USA (FDA) in 2004 under the trade name of Prialt™.
This is a structural as well as functional analogue of an
ω-conotoxin, isolated from marine snail. This is one of the
few examples of nonnarcotic medication to treat chronic
and severe pain.[72]
Homoeopathic use
Cantharis, prepared from the insect Lytta vesicatoria Linn.
(Family: Cantharidae; Synonym: Cantharis vesicatoria Linn.,
Meloevesicatorius Linn.) has been extensively used in pain
treatment, especially for treating burning pain in ureter, genitals
and other organs. The higher potencies have exclusively
been administered owing to its extremely high toxicity in
concentrated form. The proving has been documented in
Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica-James Tyler
Figure 6: Toad‑based bioactive molecules
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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2019
Research in modern biomedicine
It has widely been used to treat blisters. The active
pharmaceutical ingredient present in the drug is cantharidin
[Figure 9]. This compound is in Phase 3 of Clinical trial for
treatment of molluscum.[74] Beside pain-related usage, the
modern biomedicinal research found further bioactivities of
cantharidin. Animal trials show the effect of cantharidin as a
topical treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.[75] Furthermore,
it exhibits anticancer activities against malignant tumour cells.
Homoeopathic use
Homoeopathic drug Sepia is prepared from the ink of Sepia
ofcinalis Linn. (Family: Sepiidae; Synonym: Sepia zebrine
Risso, Sepia rugosa Bowdich). There are many usages of the
drug in Homoeopathy.[76] However, this drug is particularly
used to treat several gynaecological complaints. For example,
it is particularly useful to relieve symptoms related to
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause. It also can be
used to treat aliments related to ovaries, uterus and vagina. It
is particularly helpful to ght against yeast infection during
and after pregnancy. Overall, the effect of the drug is pain
reliever. This drug is also used to treat digestive problems,
especially difculties associated with fatty foods and dairy
products. This is also used for headaches and itchy patches
in the skin. It has also been used for exhaustion and poor
Research in modern biomedicine
The medicinal importance of this drug has also been
recognised by modern medical system. Cuttlesh (Sepia) ink
has shown numerous promising bioactivities.[77] S. ofcinalis
ink shows in vitro antioxidant, cytotoxic and analgesic
activities.[78] S. officinalis ink can photoprotect against
blue light-induced apoptosis of human retinal pigment
Figure 8: Snail‑based bioactive proteins
Figure 7: Snail‑based bioactive small molecules
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epithelium cells.[79] Cuttlesh ink also shows antiretroviral
activity.[80] One of the remarkable effects of cuttlesh ink
is its radio protective effects on hemopoietic injury.[81]
Cephalopod inks in general have been extensively used as
anticancer agents. These results are in good agreement with
the homoeopathic literatures.[82] Peptidoglycans, one of the
components of cuttlesh ink, shows antitumor activities. It
is believed to be resulted from the inhibition of embryonic
development.[83] Sepia ink oligopeptide (SIO) shows
anticancer activity against prostate cancer cell by inducing
apoptosis through activation of induction of apoptosis via
activation of caspase-3 and elevation of the ratio of Bax/
Bcl-2 [Figure 10].[84-87]
eel seRuM
Homoeopathic use
Eel serum prepared from Anguilla bengalensis Grey (Family:
Anguillidae; Subspecies: Anguilla benglaensis bengalensis,
Anguilla bengalensis labiata) has extensively used in
Homoeopathy for kidney diseases. In homoeopathic Materia
Medica, William Boericke mentioned the serum as a toxin
that can destroy blood globules.[88] It is also mentioned as a
medicine used in kidney-related ailments. Dr. Nels Bergman
reported the use of this medicine in hypertension as well as
kidney diseases.
Research in modern biomedicine and other medical
This remedy has also been used in other traditional medical
system, for example, Fresh blood is consumed to treat general
weakness and asthma among Ao tribe of Nagaland, India.[89]
The modern medical system has found anticancer activities
in eel serum.[90] Eel serum contains atrial natriuretic peptide
(ANP) which can act a vasodepressor and is natriuretically-
active in rats. This ANP was found to be 100 more potent than
that of human ANP.[91] It is quite clear that the recent biomedical
ndings regarding cardiovascular applications of eel serum
are in agreement with the reports in the old homoeopathic
snake VenoM
Homoeopathic use
There are different kinds of snake venoms such as Vipera,
Lachesis, Crotalus horridus and Naja tripudians, which have
been used in Homoeopathy. Here, we only discuss about
the snake venom-based drugs under EDL. Importantly, each
venom possesses different mode of therapeutic usages. Vipera,
derived from the venom of Daboia russelii (Family: Viperidae;
Synonyms: Daboia elegans Grey, Vipera daboia Daudin) has
been used to treat haemorrhages, senility, premature mental
condition, neurasthenia, tongue swelling, varicosis, jaundice,
enlargement of liver, epistaxis, phlebitis and goitre.[92] Lachesis,
produced from the venom of Lachesis muta Linn (Family:
Viperidae; Synonyms: Crotalus mutus Linn., Lachesis muta
muta Taylor), has been proved to cure small pox. It is one of
the most important remedies for hot ushes in menopause
syndrome. This is also being used to relieve symptoms
associated with PMS. This is also been used in sore throat and
ailments associated.[93] This is also used to soothe mental or
emotional symptoms. Lachesis has profound importance to treat
diverse circulatory problems and angina.[94] Interestingly, recent
studies also show similar bioactivities.[95] Crotalus horridus
obtained from the venom of Crotalus horridus Linn. (Family:
Viperidae; Synonyms: Crotalus catesbaei Hemprich) has also
been used in Homoeopathy for number of physiological and
psychological issues. It is particularly useful treating severe
internal intoxication affecting blood and heart.[96] It is also
useful for sepsis.[97,98] It is used to cure psychiatric uses, for
example, apathy, lethargy and detachment.[99] Naja tripudians
consists of the venom derived from Naja naja Linn.(Family:
Elapidae: Synonyms: Naja tripudians Merrem, Coluber naja
Research in modern biomedicine
This venom usually has pain-relieving and soothing effects
on mind.[100] Recent studies also show anti-HIV effects
of the snake venom.[101] These medicinal properties of
snake venoms have also been explored by biomedical
Figure 9: Structure of cantharidin Figure 10: Bioactive sepia ink oligopeptide
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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2019
Cobratoxin present in Naja naja Linn. It shows numerous
benecial effects as a painkiller and in conditions like lung
cancer, multiple sclerosis [Figure 11].[102-104]
Dilute Russell’s viper venom time is an in vitro test to detect
Lupus anticoagulant [Figure 12].[105] The mode of action is the
activation of factor X that converts prothrombin into thrombin
in the presence of phospholipid and factor V. Contortrostatin
is a snake venom disintegrin. Recently, it has been found that
the disintegrin has antitumor and antiangiogenic activities.[106]
Captopril is the earliest FDA-approved drug which was derived
from snake venom. This drug is being used for hypertension
and cardiac disorders [Figure 13]. This also shows mood
elevation in certain patients.[107]
Snake venoms are known to possess anticoagulant activities.
For example, Eptibatide – an approved antiplatelet drug under
the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor class [Figure 14].[108] This
drug is a closed-ring heptapeptide produced from a protein,
present in the venom of the rattle snakes. It belongs to the
class of peptides that mimics the arginin–glycin–aspartat and
reversibly binds to the platelets.
Considering the cytotoxic effect of the snake venoms, their
potential as antitumor agents is quite promising. Even though
snake venoms’ composition are extremely complex, the
antitumour activities of the venoms are majorly due to the
presence of metalloproteases, serine proteases, phospholipases
A2, L-amino acid oxidases, disintegrins and lectins.[106,109-111]
Hannalgesin, obtained as the neurotoxin, shows strong analgesic
effect without permanent adverse muscular and neurological
effect.[112] Snake venom also shows antibacterial effects.[113]
Homoeopathic use
There are many spiders-based drugs which have been used
in Homoeopathy. Tarentula hispana prepared from Lycosa
tarantula Linn. (Family: Lycosidae) is used in mostly mental
disorders. It is also used in physiological disorders, for
example, hyperactivity, ADHD, problem children, headaches,
restless leg syndrome, restlessness, ADD, migraines, autism,
Parkinson’s disease, abscesses and has also shown benecial
effects in a case of anorexia.[114] The medical usages of
Tarentula cubensis (Family: Lycosidae) include treatment
of carbuncle, gangrene, intermittent fever of evening
exacerbation, diarrhoea, severe stinging and burning pain.[115]
Homoeopathic drug, Mygale prepared from Mygale lasiodora
Linn.(Family: Antrodiaetidae), is used in nervousness,
prostration and palpitation. It is used to prevent twitching of
the facial muscles. It is also used in agitation and involuntary
motion of the body. Recent study shows activities against acute
aching pain, difcult breathing, bad dream, etc.[116] Recent
studies show that spider venoms possess analgesic effects.[117]
The venom could potentially be used in stroke treatment.[118]
Research in modern biomedicine
Furthermore, spider venom contains HF-7.[119] This active
ingredient blocks receptors on the nerve cell membranes
preventing glutamate production. The arrest of glutamate product
ceases the cell death due to oxygen unavailability. It also prevents
atrial brillation. This is performed by the active protein GsMtx-4.
Figure 12: Structure of phospholipase a2 from Daboia russelii pulchella
Figure 11: Structure of cobratoxin
Figure 13: Structure of captopril
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caRBo anIMalIs
Homoeopathic use
The medicine was introduced by Hahnemann. It has been
primarily prescribed by him for chronic diseases. He also
provided the detailed method of preparation of the drug. The
drug was prepared by him by placing a thick piece of ox-hide
in-between two hot charcoals burning without ames. The hide
was burned till the ame coming out from the hide extinguished.
Then, the red hot charred mass was extinguished by pressing
with stones from both of the sides. Charred hide contains
many chemicals. However, the two principal constituents
are carbon and calcium phosphate. Fueter and Schweizer
Zeitschrift successfully used it for burnt mole, glandular
indurations, goitre and scirrhus. Dürr used human-bone coal
for mesenteric atrophy. According to C. Hering, it has effects
on mind.[120] Especially, it can be used to treat depressive mood
and nervousness in general. It has also been used for ear,
nose, eye and throat infections and/or ailments. James Tyler
Kent in Homoeopathic Lectures on Materia Medica provided
detail regarding the efcacy of the drug.[121] He prescribed the
medicine for weakness and anaemia. Interestingly, he mentioned
the use if this medicine for cancerous ulcers. His observations
regarding treatment of cancerous ulcer is in agreement with
the observations by Fueter and Schweizer Zeitschrift. Willam
Boericke reported the use of the medicine in a wide variety of
ailments, for example, headache, respiratory, skin diseases and
uterine cancer. Overall, his observations are in agreement with
the observation of Hering and Kent.[122]
ReseaRch In ModeRn BIoMedIcIne
Activated charcoal is used in modern medical practice. The
key use of the material is to absorb toxins present in the body.
It is particularly helpful for preventing toxic effects due to
overdose.[123] Orally administrated activated charcoal has
been found to be clinically active for not only controlling the
cholesterol but also benecial balancing of LDL and HDL.
In the study, seven patients with hypercholesterolaemia
were treated and monitored for 4 weeks while administering
activated charcoal at a dose of 8 g three times a day. The
pathological results found that in plasma, total cholesterol was
decreased by 25%. Furthermore, LDL was decreased by 25%
while HDL was increased by 8%.[124] Beside these, activated
charcoal has been found to reduce phosphate ions in serum
during dialysis, in cholestasis treatment, etc.[125]
foRMIca Rufa
Homoeopathic use
It is prepared from European red wood ants. Homoeopathy
medicine Formica Rufa has been described in homoeopathic
materia medica of WilliamBoericke.[126] He reports the
medicine for wide variety of physiological and psychological
effects. It is indicated in conditions like vertigo, headache,
nasal polypi, rheumatic iritis, heartburn, nausea, irregular
bowel, bloody or albuminous urination, skin itching, sexual
weakness and respiratory ailments. It is described as an
arthritic medicine. Dr. Sylwestrowicz of the Hering Research
Laboratory of Hahnemann College, Philadelphia indicated that
the primary use of the medicine is in gout, especially in case of
acute condition. He also indicated its use in psoriasis, loss of
hair, chronic eczema, kidney ailments, nephritis, Dupuytren’s
contraction and bone swelling. He also prescribed the drug
in rheumatic fever.[127] Hering also reported the medicines.
According to him, it can be used to treat forgetfulness. Also, he
prescribed the medicine for throat infection, dizziness and ear
pain. Similar to other authors, he also prescribed the medicine
for gout and limb stiffness.[128]
Research in modern biomedicine
Ant-based compounds show promising bioactivities. Terpenoid
bioactive compound isolated from Papua ant nest contains
terpenoids. Those terpenoids were found to be cytotoxic and
induced apoptosis in human ovarian cell lines (SKOV-3) and
increased Caspase–9 activity.[129] Indian tree ant, Oecophylla
smaragdina, Fabricius’s larvae and pupae contain bioactive
proteins. These peptides show anti-angiotensin I-converting
enzyme (ACE) and antioxidative bioactivities.[130] In
general, many insect-derived pheromone show promising
Homoeopathic use
Even though many milk-based homoeopathic medicines are
reported, here we are going to discuss only Lac deoratum and
Lac caninum as these are only two in the EDL. Lac deoratum
is prepared from skimmed cow milk. Donkin successfully
treated diabetes and Bright’s disease with skimmed milk. Later,
the work was further extended by Dr Swan who potentised
and proved the medicine. It had shown results in nerve-related
issues. It also shows efcacy against despondence, American
sick headache, nausea, intense throbbing, constipation,
copious and pale urine.[132] It is indicated for conditions like
Figure 14: Eptifibatide, an approved antiplatelet drug
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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2019
psychological problems, vertigo, fever, insomnia, photophobia
and kidney ailments.[133] It can also be used for diarrhoea in
infants.[134] Lac caninum is prepared from dog (bitch) milk.
It is a psychotic drug.[135] It is used in persons with low
condence, inferiority complex etc. It has also been used to
treat Diphtheria.[136]
Research in modern biomedicine
The benecial effects of milk are numerous. Thus it may not
be possible to include all of them here. Here we will discuss
shortly about the new ndings. Bioactive peptides have been
identied within the amino acid sequences of native milk
proteins. As the peptide sequencing of short peptides are
challenging further study in the area is required to unravel
the bioactivities components chemically.[137] In general the
native proteins in milk do not show bioactivities. However,
proteolytic digestion leads to the release of encrypted bioactive
peptides present in the milk. Due to their physiological and
physicochemical versatility, milk peptides are regarded as
greatly important components for health promoting foods
or pharmaceutical applications. Milk is known to contain
antihypertensive peptides. In vitro enzymatic digestion of milk
proteins, several ACE-inhibitory peptides were identied.[138]
Peptides derived from αs-casein has been found to scavenge
free radicals and lipid peroxidation.[139,140] Iwami reported the
existence of hypocholesterolemic peptides in milk.[141] Among
antimicrobial peptides, the lactoferricins are studied the
most, which are derived from bovine and human lactoferrin.
Lactoferricins, originated from milk have shown to have
antimicrobial activities against yeasts, lamentous fungi and
many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.[142]
Homoeopathic use
The homoeopathic formulation has been prepared from
Skunk’s anal secretion. Hering proved the medicine in 30C.
It is reported to be indicated in clinical conditions like vertigo,
asthma, tooth and gum pain and discharge from the ears,
whooping cough etc.[143-145]
Research in modern biomedicine
Chemical constituents: Majorly, there are two kinds of
compounds which are present in the secretion: (a) thiols and
(b) acetate derivatives of the thiols, e.g. (E)-2-butene-1-thiol
and 3-methyl-1-butanethiol and 2-quinoline-methanethiol.
Among them, rst two are the primary cause for the unpleasant
smell of the secretion. The acetate derivatives of the thiols
are less odoriferous. It also contains 2-methylquinoline.[146,147]
Quinolines have been studied extensively for bioactivities.
Among them, anticancer activities are the most prominent
ones.[148] In fact, one of the components – 2-methylquinoline
shows antiprion activities.[149]
Homoeopathic use
This medicine is prepared from the whole mite. In
general, this medicine is anti-inflammatory. According
to Allen, it can act on head, eye, ear, stomach, throat and
mouth.[150] William Boericke reported the use of this medicine
in abdominal pain.[151] Hering also reported its use in various
inammation.[152] Douglass indicated its use in abdominal
pain and diarrhoea.[153]
Homoeopathic use
It is being prepared from dried whole thyroid glands of
domestic sheep. Clark indicated its use in acromegaly, abscess,
albuminuria, amblyopia, amenorrhoea, anaemia, backache,
constipation, broma, convulsions, optic neuritis, paralysis
and tetanus.[154] Lippe reported its usage in muscle weakness,
rickets, cretinism and arrested development of children etc.[155]
Allen reported its use to cure palpitation, hysteria and different
kinds of pain.[156]
Research in modern biomedicine
Thyroid gland is extremely important gland-secreting
hormones. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland near
the neck. It consists of two lobes which connected to each
other by isthmus. The thyroid gland secretes three hormones
of two types. (a) the two thyroid hormones (thyroxine/T4
and triiodothyronine/T3) and (b) calcitonin. The thyroid
hormones chiey regulate the metabolic rate and protein
synthesis. However, besides these, it also influences
developments. Calcitonin is associated with calcium
There are many animal-based drugs which are available in
Homoeopathy showing diverse pharmacological effects.
Interestingly, the recent biomedical studies also support
the proving reported in Homoeopathic literature. However,
recent development of analytical and biochemical eld
enables us to unravel the origin of the bioactivities. With
the new discoveries, it is now possible to detect the
active pharmaceutical ingredients. Thus, it is possible to
undertake SAR (Structure Activity Relationship) study
using structurally simple analogues. Overall, it could be
inferred from the available literature that today’s biochemical
research related to animal-based drugs is considerably based
on the ndings of early homoeopathic practitioners. In future
investigations, medical science can rely on the homoeopathic
literature for drug discovery in the eld of the animal-based
The authors are thankful to Prof. Nirmala Baburao and all
the supporting staffs of DSU (H), CCRH, Hyderabad, India.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
None declared.
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i”kq&vk/kkfjr gksE;ksiSfFkd nok vkSj tSo&fpfdRlk esa muds vuqiz;ksxksa dh leh{kk
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leh{kk djrs gSaA gekjh leh{kk esa yxkrkj ik;k x;k gS fd vk/kqfud tSo&fpfdRlk vuqla/kku dh [kkst gksE;ksiSfFkd lkfgR; dh fjiksVksZa ds vuq#i
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176 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2019
Une étude des médicaments homéopathiques à base d’animaux et leurs applications en biomédecine
L'homéopathie est l'un des systèmes médicaux les plus pratiqués au monde. En homéopathie les animaux et leurs sécrétions,
comme toutes les autres sources naturelles, ont beaucoup été utilisés. Cependant, contrairement aux autres sources naturelles des
médicaments homéopathiques, tels que les plantes et les produits chimiques, la collecte et la préparation de médicaments à base
d’animaux sont extrêmement difciles, en particulier pour les médicaments provenant d’animaux exotiques. Vu les dés associés
à la recherche portant sur les médicaments à base d’animaux, nous passons ici en revue les recherches sur l’origine chimique de
la bio-activité de ces médicaments. Notre revue a constamment montré que les découvertes de la recherche biomédicale moderne
correspondent à ce qui est trouvé dans la littérature homéopathique. Dans de nombreux cas, les recherches récentes en chimie
biomédicale et médicinale justient à juste titre les découvertes de la littérature homéopathique ancienne. Nous pensons que
cet article sera non seulement bénéque pour la communauté homéopathique mais pourra également fournir les informations
nécessaires concernant les découvertes homéopathiques pour la recherche biomédicale future.
Revisión de los medicamentos homeopáticos animales y sus aplicaciones en biomedicina
La homeopatía es uno de los sistemas de medicina mejor practicado en el mundo. En homeopatía, se han utilizado ampliamente
animales y sus secreciones, al igual que otras las otras fuentes naturales. Sin embargo, a diferencia de las otras fuentes naturales
en homeopatía, como las plantas y los productos químicos, la recogida y preparación de los medicamentos de animales resultan
sumamente complicadas, en especial cuando se trata de animales exóticos. Teniendo los problemas asociados a la investigación
de medicamentos basados en animales, se ha revisado la investigación sobre el origen químico de las bioactividades de estos
medicamentos. En esta revisión, se ha observado uniformemente que los descubrimientos de la investigación biomédica moderna
coinciden con los informes de la bibliografía homeopática. En muchos casos, las investigación químicas biomédicas y médica
modernas justican coherentemente los hallazgos de la bibliografía homeopática antigua. En muchos casos, la investigación
reciente en química biomédica y medicinal justica acertadamente los hallazgos de la antigua literatura homeopática. En nuestra
opinión, este artículo no solo será benecioso para la comunidad homeopática sino que también proporcionará la información
necesaria sobre los hallazgos homeopáticos para futuras investigaciones biomédicas.
Eine Übersicht über homöopathische Arzneimittel auf tierischer Basis und ihre Anwendungen in der Biomedizin
Die Homöopathie ist eines der am besten praktizierten medizinischen Systeme der Welt. In der Homöopathie sind wie bei
allen anderen natürlichen Quellen Tiere und deren Sekrete weit verbreitet. Im Gegensatz zu anderen natürlichen Quellen
homöopathischer Arzneimittel, z. panzen und chemikalien das sammeln und aufbereiten von arzneimitteln auf tierischer basis
ist eine große herausforderung, insbesondere für arzneimittel von exotischen tieren. In Anbetracht der Herausforderungen, die
mit der Erforschung von Arzneimitteln auf tierischer Basis verbunden sind, überprüfen wir hier die Erforschung der chemischen
Herkunft der Bioaktivität dieser Arzneimittel. Unsere Überprüfung hat durchweg ergeben, dass die Entdeckungen der modernen
biomedizinischen Forschung mit den Berichten aus der homöopathischen Literatur übereinstimmen. In vielen Fällen rechtfertigen
die jüngsten Forschungsergebnisse der biomedizinischen und medizinischen Chemie die Ergebnisse der alten homöopathischen
Literatur. Wir glauben, dass dieser Artikel nicht nur der homöopathischen Gemeinschaft zugute kommt, sondern auch die
erforderlichen Informationen zu homöopathischen Befunden für die künftige biomedizinische Forschung liefert.
[Downloaded free from on Thursday, November 7, 2019, IP:]

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