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Monday, June 7, 2021



Cannabis sativa

  • Source : vegetable kingdom 
  • Common name : hemp, ganja
  • Family : cannabiaceae
  • Prover : Dr. Hahnemann 
  • Miasm : sycosis and syphilis 

Urinary system 

  • A/F : gonorrhoea. 
  • Retention of urine with Obstinate constipation.
  • Location : urethra
  • Inflammation of urethra / urethritis, leads to extreme sensitiveness of urethra.
  • Urethra is very sensitive to touch, even pt keeps the legs wide apart, because touch hurts the urethra.
  • Sensation : burning - during and after urination. 
  • Character of pain : tearing pain along urethra in zigzag direction, towards posterior side. 
  • Character of urine : with yellow gonorrhoeal discharge. 
  • Modality : aggravation by touch, lying down, going upstairs. 
  • Concomitants : stoppage of urethra by mucus or pus.
  • Sexual over excitement.

Dr Dileep Yadav

M.G Homeo Clinic

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