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Monday, June 7, 2021



• Source : vegetable kingdom/ whole plant

• Common name : monk's hood, wolf's bane

• Family : ranunculaceae

• Prover : Dr. Hahnemann

• Miasm : psora

• Temperament : sanguine

• Thermal : neither chilly nor hot, but seems to be hot

   Guiding Symptoms + keynotes 

1 - A/F - draught of cold air (north/west-dry) while in perspiration, fright, sun. 

2 - Every complain appears Suddenly and violently. 

3 - Great fear and anxiety of mind. 

4 - Fear of death, as she is sure that her disease will prove fatal, predicts the day she will die, fear of death during pregnancy [aco. thinks that if proper medicine is not taken, he will surely die] - reverse of ars. alb.

5 - Amenorrhea after fright.

6 - music is unbearable, makes her sad. (natrum group, thuja) 

7 - first stage of inflammation before localisation takes place. 

8 -Restlessness - physical + mental. 

9 -While in Rhus Tox. - physical, Arsenic -mental. 

10 - Intense thirst. 


   - Great fear and anxiety of mind, face       expresses the fear. 

   - Fear of death in pregnancy. 

   - Predicts date and hour of death. 

   - Aconite patient calls his friends and relatives and takes leave of them. 

   - Music is unbearable. 

   - Aconite is very anxious, worried and fearful. 

  Heart -

   -  Stitching pain in heart, numbness in left arm with tingling sensation in fingers.

   -  hard and tense pulse, tachycardia, dyspnoea. 

  -  Pain in pericardium due to fright or exposure to dry cold air. 

  -  Great anxiety, fear of death with restlessness along with profuse perspiration. 

Fever - 

  •  sudden fever with chill stage in begining, evening and night. 

  •  skin - dry, hot during fever. (aconite must not be used simply to control fever, but if its indicated, it must not be alternated with any other remedy).  

  •  Also add mind symptoms in fever

Modalities - 

  • Aggravation : evening, night, warm room. 

  • Amelioration : open air.

Dr Dileep Yadav

M.g Homeo Clinic

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