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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Arnica Montana person Homoeopathic medicine

 Arnica is the homeopathic remedy that no person, home, work place, car or first aid kit should be without! It introduces more people to homeopathy - and proves it’s efficacy - than any other remedy. 

Arnica is used for the effects of injuries and trauma, whether mild, severe or even life threatening. Medical advice must be obtained for all serious, potentially serious and persisting problems - if in any doubt, get a medical opinion

Arnica is made from the Alpine plant, Arnica Montana, the Mountain Daisy, a member of the Compositae, now called the Asterales, or daisy family. Arnica’s beneficial qualities for injuries have been known for well over a thousand years.


•All Bruising & Injuries - Arnica works dramatically almost every time. It rapidly reduces pain, swelling and discolouration and speeds healing. Give it as early as possible after injury and you will be surprised how little bruising develops. I recommend my patients keep some Arnica not only at home but at work, in their car, in their pack when traveling, etc.

•Surgery - take Arnica before and after any and all surgery - general or dental, major or minor. You will be surprised at how little pain you suffer, how little bruising you experience, how small your pain-killer requirements are, and how rapidly you recover and are up and about again. It also reduces the incidence of postoperative complications. More and more surgeons are recommending the use of Arnica, just because they witness it’s benefits in their patients.

•Childbirth - take Arnica during and after childbirth. You will be surprised at how little pain and bruising you suffer afterwards, how small your pain-killer requirements are, and how rapidly you recover and are up and about again. It will also help your baby make a quick recovery from the traumatic experience of entering this world.

•Over–Exertion - the after-effects of over-exertion, such as the bruised sore feeling after a hard day's walking.

•Psychological Trauma - for the emotional shock where the result is feeling bruised, battered or beaten.

Arnica is particularly needed where there is the feeling of:

being bruised or sore, as if beaten or battered

whether mentally or physically

often with a fear of the affected part being touched or approached


•Arnica 30c for everyday use

•Arnica 200c for serious injuries, surgery and childbirth


The more serious, painful or severe the problem is - the more frequently the remedy should be taken. Stop when complete relief is obtained.

Mild to Moderate Injuries

•Arnica 30 - three or four doses at 15 - 45 minute intervals and then 4 - 8 hourly for a day or two or as long as necessary

Serious Injuries

•Arnica 200 - at 15 - 45 minute intervals for 5 or 6 doses and then 4 - 8 hourly for a few days or as long as necessary


•Use: Arnica 200 - two or three times a day for 2 days before surgery, then immediately after surgery and 3 - 4 hourly for the first few days. 

•Continue two or three times a day for as long as necessary.

•There may also be other homeopathic medicines that could be helpful for the particular surgical procedure you are going to have, eg.

•Symphytum - for bony/orthopaedic surgery

•Hypericum - for spinal surgery, etc.


•Use: Arnica 200 - once or twice during the first and second stages of labour especially if you are becoming exhausted. 

•Take a dose as soon as possible after your baby is born and then 3 - 4 hourly for a few days, continue two or three times a day for as long as necessary. 

•Also give a few doses to your baby straight after delivery and for longer if he or she has had a rough ride into this world.


Where there is localised surface bruising, a topical preparation may give even better results when used in conjunction with Arnica by mouth.


•Arnica mother tincture (Ø) - paint it on with some cotton wool, or

•Arnica cream or ointment

DO NOT USE topical Arnica on broken skin

This is a first aid guide only, specific situations may require a different homeopathic medicine - but always try Arnica first - it cannot do any harm and it will usually help enormously

Medical advice must be obtained for all serious, pot

entially serious and persisting problems - if in any doubt, get a medical opinion


Arnica - The Number One Injury Remedy

M.g Homeo Clinic

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