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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Antim tart Homoeopathic medicine


Antim. Tart.

  • Source : mineral kingdom
  • Common name : Tartar emetic, tartrate of antimony
  • Prover : hartlaub and trinks
  • Miasm : psora, sycosis
  • Temperament : nervous 
  • Diathesis : scrofulous
  • Constitution : hydrogenoid
  • Thermal : neither hot nor chilly

Guiding symptoms + keynotes 

  1. exposure in Damp basement or bad effect of vaccination (bad effects of vaccination :thuja, silicea, ant.t.).
  2. Through the pneumogastric nerve, it depresses the respiration and circulation - the most keynote symptom.
  3. When the patient Coughs, there appears to be a large collection of mucus in bronchi, it seems as if much would be expectorated but nothing comes up.
  4. cough gives rattling sound (death rattle).
  5. Great sleepiness or irresistible inclination to sleep (at evening - nux.v.).
  6. Face - cold, Blue, pale, covered with cold sweat.
  7. extra ordinary craving for apple. 
  8. vomiting in any position except lying on right side. 


  • aggravation: in damp, cold weather change of weather in Spring.
  • amelioration: cold open air, expectorating lying on right side.

Respiratory system +

  • Hoarseness, great rattling of mucus but very little is expectorated (death rattling). 
  • Indicated in nearly every respiratory affection. 
  • In spring & autumn, when damp weather commences cough of children gets worse. 
  • < damp, cold weather. 

Dr Dileep Yadav
M.g Homeo Clinic

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