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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Coccydynia or coccygodynia and Homeopathy

 Match the Symptoms and find the Remedy

Coccydynia or Coccygodynia or Tail bone pain

The last bone of the vertebral column is called coccyx. It is located deep between the buttocks above the anus.  It is a triangular shaped bone curved slightly forward. It is composed of four rudimentary vertebrae, cartilaginous at birth. The uppermost one being united by a joint to the Sacrum. In adult life these four bones are usually united into one. Ossification (hardening and turning into a single bone) being completed around the age of 30 years.   


The coccyx serves as an attachment site for tendons, ligaments, and muscles of the pelvic floor.  It also functions to support and stabilize a person in a sitting position. In the sitting position, the weight of the person is distributed onto both the hip bones and to the tailbone which acts as a tripod to balance and stabilize.

Inflammation of the tail bone associated with pain is called as Coccydynia or Coccygodynia. Sitting often aggravates and worsens coccyx pain. There are many causes of tail bone pain that mimics coccydynia includes sciatica, fractured tail bone, sacroilitis, shingles (rash) on the buttocks, and pilonidal cysts etc. . Symptoms include focal pain and tenderness at the tip of the tail bone. Usually, the pain is dull and achy.

Coccydynia may be caused (a) due to an injury to the coccyx  (b) due to prolonged sitting on hard surface while at work in office etc. (c) due to degenerative arthritis and, (d) due to internal injury during vaginal child birth.

Injury to tailbone is very painful and sometimes it may lead to chronic neuralgia.

Safety measures to escape coccydynia:

1. Avoid sitting for longer periods on hard surfaces such as wooden or steel chairs or floor. Try to stand and move around at least for once in an hour.

2. Eat fiber rich food to soften stools and avoid constipation.

3. Do not sit leaning backward. Try to sit straight or slightly leaning forward.

4. Obese and overweight persons have more risk of getting coccydynia and hence reduce weight by proper exercises and medicines.

5. Do not carry excessive weights and sit along with weight on your head and shoulders to avoid stress on the coccyx.

Treatment: (Leading symptoms)

1. Hypericum: Lancinating pain radiating up spine and down limbs due to injury to coccyx. Pain in nape of neck.  Pressure over sacrum. Spinal concussion. Excessive painfulness is a guiding symptom for its use. One of the best medicines for Coccydynia.

2.Causticum; Dull, drawing pain in the region of coccyx; darting and bruised feeling in the coccyx.; pain in small of back from movement; pinching and crampy pains in the lumbar region and buttocks.

3.Paris Quadrifolia: It is a very good remedy for coccydynia. Mostly recommended in neuralgia of coccyx. Pulsating and sticking when sitting. Fingers at times  feel numb.

4.Ruta: It is also a best remedy for pain in coccyx region. Pain from back down  hips and thighs. Worse lying down at night.

5.Silicea: It is also a best to remedy to be used in tailbone pain. Spinal irritation after injuries to spine. Diseases of bones 

6.Symphytum:It acts on joints. Neuralgia of coccyx. Useful in wounds penetrating to perineum and bones and non-union of fractured bones. Irritable bone at the point of fracture.

7.Arnica: It is suited to cases when any injury, however remote, seems to have caused the present trouble. After traumatic injuries, overuse of an organ, strains. Pain in tailbone. Cannot walk erect, on account of bruised pain in pelvic region.

8.Calcarea fluor; Acts on chronic lumbago; aggravated on when  trying to move, and ameliorated on movement. Intolerable pain lower part of vertebrae with burning sensation.

9.Lachesis: Neuralgia of coccyx, worse rising from sitting posture; must sit perfectly still. Pain in neck, worse cervical region. Sensation of threads stretched from back to arms, legs,eyes etc.

10.Kali Bichromicum: Cutting through loins; cannot walk; extends to groins. Pain in coccyx and sacrum extending up and down.

 An other remedies

Pulsatilla, rhustox, bryonia, 

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