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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Cataract and homeopathic medicine

 A cataract is present when the transparency of the lens is reduced to the point that the patient’s vision is impaired. The term cataract comes from the Greek word katarraktes (waterfall) because earlier it was thought that the cataract was a congealed fluid from the brain that had flowed in front of the lens.

General symptoms

  • Development of the cataract and its symptoms is generally an occult process. 
  • Patients experience various symptoms such as seeing only shades of gray, visual impairment, blurred vision, distorted vision, glare or starbursts, monocular diplopia, altered color perception, etc. to varying degrees, and these symptoms will vary with the specific type of cataract.

Classification : 

Acquired – 

  • Senile cataract 
  • Cataract with systemic disease
  1. Diabetes mellitus
  2. Galactosemia
  3. Renal insufficiency
  4. Mannosidosis
  5. Fabry’s disease
  6. Lowe’s syndrome
  7. Wilson’s disease
  8. Myotonic dystrophy
  9. Tetany
  10. Skin disorder
  •  Secondary and complicated cataracts
  1. Cataract with heterochromia
  2. Cataract with chronic iridocyclitis
  3. Cataract with retinal vasculitis
  4. Cataract with retinitis pigmentosa
  •  Postoperative cataracts
  1. Most frequently following vitrectomy and
  2. silicone oil retinal tamponade.
  3. Following filtering operations
  •  Traumatic cataracts
  1. Contusion or perforation rosette
  2. Infrared radiation (glassblower’s cataract)
  3. Electrical injury
  4. Ionizing radiation
  •  Toxic cataract
  1. Corticosteroid-induced cataract (most
  2. frequent)
  3. Less frequently from chlorpromazine, miotic
  4. agents, or busulfan

Congenital –

  • Hereditary cataracts
  1. Autosomal dominant
  2. Recessive
  3. Sporadic
  4. X-linked
  5. Cataracts due to early embryonic damage
  6. Rubella (40–60%)
  7. Mumps (10–22%)
  8. Hepatitis (16%)
  9. Toxoplasmosis (5%)


Senile Cataract – 

Classification – 

Nuclear cataract : 

  •  Vacuoles
  •  Water Fissures
  •  Separation of the lamellae
  •  Cuneiform cataract

Posterior subcapsular cataract 

Mature cataract : 

Hypermature cataract 

2. Cataract in Systemic Disease :

Classification : 

Diabetic cataract –

  • The typical diabetic cataract is rare in young diabetic patients. 
  • Transient metabolic decompensation promotes the occurrence of a typical radial snowflake pattern of cortical opacities.
  • Transient hyperopia and myopia can occur.

Galactosemic cataract –

  • This deep posterior cortical opacity begins after birth.
  • Galactosemia is a rare cause of early cataracts in children lacking an enzyme required to metabolize galactose.
  • The newborn receives ample amounts of galactose in the mother’s milk.
  • If the disorder is diagnosed promptly and the child is maintained on a galactose-free diet, the opacities of the first few weeks of life will be reversible.

Dialysis cataract – 

  •  Hemodialysis to eliminate metabolic acidosis in renal insufficiency can disturb the osmotic equilibrium of lens metabolism and cause swelling of the cortex of the lens.
  • Other rare metabolic diseases that can cause cataracts include mannosidosis, Fabry’s disease, Lowe’s syndrome (oculocerebrorenal syndrome), and Wilson’s disease.

Congenital Cataract : 

There are many congenital cataracts. They are either hereditary or acquired through the placenta.

Hereditary Congenital Cataracts – 

  • Familial forms of congenital cataracts may be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, sporadic, or X-linked. 
  • They are easily diagnosed on the basis of their characteristic symmetric morphology.


  • Lamellar or zonular cataract-  Opacities are located in one layer of lens fibers, often as “riders” only in the equatorial region.
  • Nuclear cataract-  This is a variant of the lamellar cataract in which initially only the outer layer of the embryonic nucleus is affected.
  • Coronary cataract- This is characterized by fine radial opacities in the equatorial region.
  • Cerulean cataract-  This is characterized by fine round or club-shaped blue peripheral lens opacities.

Homeopathic medicine for Cataract



  • ‌A little plant growing in the Meadows on the borders of the forest all over Europe.
  • ‌the root is very small, hairy.
  • ‌steam rounded 
  • ‌5 to 12 inches in height 
  • ‌leaves think sharp-toothed.
  • ‌ flowers in a terminal spike 
  • ‌the fresh plant without the route is taken during the flowering time.
Can homeopathy cure cataracts? Best Answer!

Physical action-

  • ‌ through ganglion, the nervous system euphrasia exerts its power entirely upon the mucous membranes.
  • ‌ especially those of the eyes lids and of the upper portion of the respiratory tract.
  • ‌producing a distinct catarrhal inflammation, partaking of the nature of Influenza, and characterized by an excessive watery secretion, which is the chief characteristic of this drug.


  • bursting headache with dazzling of Eyes Eyes
  • ‌profuse fluent coryza with violent cough
  • ‌redness and heat of cheeks cheeks 
  • ‌vomiting from Hawking mucus mucus 
  • ‌pressure down in anus when sitting when sitting 
  • ‌spasmodic retraction of genitals of genitals 
  • ‌frequent yawning when walking in the open-air 
  • ‌the first stage of measles.

Cataract symptoms-

  • ‌ catarrhal conjunctivitis 
  • ‌discharge of acrid matter 
  • ‌the eyes water all the time 
  • ‌acrid lachrymation, bland coryza.
  • ‌discharge thick and excoriating 
  • ‌burning and swelling of the eyelids 
  • ‌frequent inclination to blink.
  • ‌free discharge of acrid matter.
  • ‌ sticky mucus on the cornea
  • ‌ must wink to remove it 
  • ‌pressure in eyes 
  • ‌little blisters on the cornea 
  • ‌opacities 
  • ‌rheumatic iritis 
  • ‌ptosis.


‌Euphrasia 200 (2drops 2times a day Or as directed by the physician)

‌Euphrasia eye drop [SBL] (1drop for one eye 5-6times a day Or as directed by the physician).


Description – A climbing plant growing to a great height, ascending large trees, found in U. S. A. Stem is smooth; leaves, opposite and lanceolate; flowers large and yellow with a delicious odor. The fresh root is taken.

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Acts on – 

  • Motor nervous system
  • General paralysis
  • Spasm 
  • Cramps
  • General features – 
  • Excessive trembling of all limbs is a trembling remedy. 
  • Muscular prostration muscles will not obey will; lack of muscular coordination. 
  • Sneezing. 
  • Paralysis of the ocular muscles-drooping of the eyelids. 
  • Congestive headache-headache relieved by a flow of urine. 
  • Great nervous prostration. 
  • Tongue so thick that he can hardly speak. 
  • Extremely sensitive to the falling barometer-cold brings on many of his complaints.

Cataract symptoms – 

  • Cataract from increased secretion rather than from obstructed excretion. 
  • One pupil dilated and the other contracted. 
  • Eyeballs oscillate laterally when using them. The haziness of the vitreous. 
  • Serous inflammation. 
  • Detached retina from myopia, severe neuralgia.
  • If the patient is suffering from glaucoma with occurring pain which starts from the back part of the neck to the head, Gelsemium 3 or 30 should be used to cure such symptoms of the patient.


Description – 

An annual plant of West Indies and South America. Its root is short and divided into numerous long, thin branches. The stem is herbaceous. Flowers pale, reddish or purple. For medicinal purposes, the freshly dried herbs, having been gathered when bearing flowers and seeds are taken.

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Acts on – 

  • Fibrous tissue
  • Muscular tissuE
  • Rheumatic condition of eye and heart
  • Neuralgic pain
  • Irritation of nerves
  • General features – 
  • Body painfully sensitive to touch; part touched feels chilly. 
  • Afraid of sharp-pointed things. 
  • Intolerable, pressive pain, in eyeballs; ciliary neuralgia. 
  • Rheumatic troubles. 
  • Rheumatic heart-palpitation, violent, visible, and audible.

Cataract symptoms – 

  • Photophobia; oversensitive retina. 
  • Asthenopia, slight retinitis, neuralgia; or anæmia of the optic nerve from excessive tea drinking. 
  • Dilated pupils. 
  • Sharp stabbing pains through ball, back into the head or radiating; worse from moving eyes at night. 
  • Eyeballs too large. 
  • Boring pains-supraorbital and temporal. Rheumatic ophthalmia, profuse lachrymation, with or without pain; ptosis.
  • If pain is occurring in the left section of the head due to glaucoma, Spigelia 3 or 30 should be taken to cure such symptoms of the disease.


Description – Mother tincture of the sponge which has been roasted brown.

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Acts on – 

  • Larynx
  • trachea
  • thyroid gland
  • heart
  • General features – 
  • Great dryness of all air passages. 
  • Hoarseness; larynx, dry, burns, constricted. Cough-dry, barking, croupy; cough abates after eating or drinking. 
  • Respiration was difficult as if a plug were sticking in the larynx, and the breath could not get through on account of constriction of the larynx. 
  • Region of thyroid gland seems indurated. 
  • Awakens suddenly at night, out of sleep, with a sense of suffocation, with a violent loud cough.

Cataract symptoms – 

  • Eyes Double vision; better lying down. Pressing and stinging. 
  • Coldness. 
  • Lachrymation and headache, when looking fixedly at one spot. 
  • Redness, with lachrymation and burning. 
  • Pressing heaviness of eyelids. 
  • Eyes protruding staring.

If Spigelia fails in the case of glaucoma and the patient is feeling pain in the right eye as if it will be broken up, to cure such symptoms of disease, giving Spongia 6 is beneficial.


Description– Grows spontaneously in the mountain districts, all over Europe. The stem is upright, three to four feet high; its upper half-clothed with spreading dark-green leaves. The stem is crowned with a beautiful resume of dark violet helmet-shaped flowers. The entire plant except the root is gathered in the flowering time, for preparing tincture.

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Acts on – 

  • Cerebrospinal nervous system.
  • Congestion or inflammation of various parts.
  • Serous membrane.
  • Mucous membranes.
  • General features – 
  • Antipyretic and anti phlogistic. 
  • Fear, the anxiety of mind, great nervous excitability. 
  • Fear of death, Predicts the day he will die. Anxious, agonized, restless tossing about. 
  • Fear of death, fear to cross the streets, intolerance of music; sensitive cars, can bear no sounds. 
  • Dry hot skin and no sweat. 
  • Pain intense, worse in the evening and in the night.
  • Neuralgia of the face, especially on the left side with restlessness. tingling and numbness.

Cataract symptoms – 

  • Red, inflamed, bloodshot. 
  • Painful inflammation. 
  • Lids swollen, hard and red. 
  • Aversion to light, particularly sunlight. 
  • Profuse lachrymation with intense pain. 
  • Conjunctivitis from cinder of other foreign bodies.

Aconite 6 should be used in the condition of glaucoma.


Description– Phosphorus looks like cylindrical sticks, which are transparent, colorless, or pale yellow and have a waxy luster. Heated in the air to 50°C, it inflames and burns readily. It is soluble in Carbon disulfide, chloroform, volatile and fixed oils. In preparing for homeopathic use.

Acts on – 

  • Nervous system.
  • Hemorrhage.
  • Respiratory tracts.
  • General features – 
  • Burning is intense from the outer skin to the innermost surface of every tract or parenchyma. 
  • Oversensitiveness of all senses-light, odors, noises, touch. 
  • Disinclination to mental or physical exertion to study or converse.
  • Slow flow of ideas; inability to think; could not keep the mind on any subject, stupor from which he can be aroused for a moment only to lapse back into muttering, lethargy and forgetfulness. 
  • Restlessness, patient moves continually, can’t stand or sit still for a moment-fidgety all over. 
  • Anxious oppression, anxiety, and restlessness in the evening and at night if he lies on the left side.

Cataract symptoms – 

  • Cataract. 
  • Sensation as if everything were covered with a mist or veil or dust or something pulled tightly over eyes. 
  • Black points seem to float before the eyes.
  • Sees better by shading eyes with hands. 
  • Fatigue of eyes and head even without much use of eyes; green halo appears about the candlelight. 
  • Letters appear red. 
  • Atrophy of the optic nerve. 
  • Edema of lids and about eyes. 
  • Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco, Glaucoma. 
  • Eyes gave out when reading.

Using Phosphorus 6 is very effective in the condition of glaucoma.


Description – A perennial plant climbing inhabit, and although its stem is woody it often reaches a height of fifty feet or more. The flowers are purplish in color. The seeds or beans are oblong, sub-reniform in outline, and with one side markedly convex, the other flat or slightly concave. The bean is taken for medicinal purposes.


Can homeopathy cure cataracts? Best Answer!

Cataract symptoms : 

  • Eyes inflamed; first right then left; sclerotic dry, red and swollen; eye-balls pain and smart: lids feel sore. 
  • Pain over top of eye-balls. 
  • Eyes sore and painful when moved from side to side. 
  • The Axis of the eyes differs from each other. 
  • Eyes weak; lachrymation. 
  • Sight blurred and hazy. Night blindness; photophobia; contraction of pupils; twitching of the ocular muscles. 
  • Disturbed accommodation, 
  • Glaucoma; paresis of accommodation. 
  • Spasm of ciliary muscles with irritability after using the eyes. 

If the patient’s vision is weak or who is not able to see objects properly far away or suffers from glaucoma, Physostigma 3 or 6 should be used.

For Dosage of medicines or any queries please contact :

      M.G Homeo Clinic
       Dr Dileep Yadav
     Contact us- 7905406952

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