Today I will discuss the best Homeopathic Remedy for Hiatus Hernia and medicine that helps you to recover fast!

These account for 98 percent of all diaphragmatic herniae. According to many authorities, all hiatus herniae are acquired. 

     According to others: 

  • (a) The ‘rolling’ type is congenital.
  • (b) A small percentage of the ‘sliding’ type is also congenital, resulting from the congenital short esophagus. 


There are three types:

  • Sliding or oesophagogastric 
  • Rolling or para-oesophageal
  • Mixed or transitional


  • Many cases of hiatus hernia are symptomless,
  • Some cases may occur in children under 10 years. It may even occur in infants soon after birth and they present with effortless vomiting, small in amount, often blood-tinged.
  • In some cases, regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus may occur in absence of a sliding hernia. In these cases the hiatus is patulous (normally the hiatus admits the tip of two fingers).

The usual group of patients present with features of reflux oesophagitis – 

  1. Pain. Usually retrosternal. It may radiate to the interscapular region, to either arm or to the neck. The pain occurs more commonly when the patient lies down and does not allow him to sleep. It is relieved on sitting.
  2. Dysphagia.-At first because of edema and spasm, later due to stricture. 
  3. Heartburn is a common symptom.
  • In the long run peptic, oesophagitis and ulceration may lead to oesophageal stenosis resulting in dysphagia and pseudo vomiting.
  • Due to pressure of the gastric pouch, there may be cough, precordial distress, palpitation, anginal pain, hiccough, etc. 
  • Sometimes a large para esophageal hernia may give rise to ST-T changes in ECG due to displacement of the heart.
  • Due to slow bleeding from the oesophageal ulcer, there may be a gradual development of iron deficiency anemia. 
  • When the bleeding is acute it may result in haematemesis and melaena. 
  • The patient may come in a strangulated condition with severe retrosternal pain when the diagnosis is very difficult.


  • Oesophageal ulcer.
  • Stricture of the esophagus.
  • Gastric ulceration. 
  • Strangulation.
  • Perforation.
  • Severe bleeding. 
  • Aspiration pneumonia.



Description – A moss growing in all parts of the world. The common Club Moss.

Acts on – 

  • Mucous membranes
  • Uric acid diathesis
  • Digestive system
  • Lymphatic system
  • Hepatic congestion

General features: 

  • The first part of the stool is hard, the last part is soft. 
  • Liver troubles of an atrophic variety. 
  • Dark scanty urine-red sands in the urine. Polyuria during the night. 
  • Diminished sexual desire-impotence. 
  • Nose stopped up-breathing through the mouth-crusts in the nose-fan-like movement.
  • Worse from 4 to 8 P.M.

Hernia symptoms – 

  • Right-sided hernia 
  • Tearing, shooting, pulsation.
  • Pressure in the inguinal ring.
  • Feels as if hernia were on the point of protruding.
  • Cramp-like pain in abdominal muscles. Muscle, especially at night.


Description- The tree is of moderate size, indigenous to India, and is also found in Burma, Siam, Cochin, China, and Northern Australia. The trunk is short, leaves shining, flowers whitish. The fruit is an indehiscent berry about the size of a small orange. Nux Vomica is the seed removed from the thin epicarp. It is disc-like, irregularly circular, a little less than an inch in diameter, about a quarter of an inch thick, the central portion appears depressed. The tincture is made from the seed.

Acts on – 

  • Paralysis
  • Dyspeptic symptoms
  • Incoherent muscular movement
  • Constipation
  • Digestive system

General symptoms – 

  • Especially suitable to persons of dry habit, tense fiber, ardent and irascible temperament, and tenacious disposition. 
  • His troubles are all nervous and dyspeptic. 
  • Oversensitive, nervous temperament, hypochondriacal mood. 
  • An uncontrollable lack of balance. 
  • Brain-fag. 
  • Full of hysterical manifestations. 
  • Convulsions with opisthotonos; lockjaw. 
  • Frequent ineffectual desire to defecate but small quantities at each attempt. 
  • Constipation is caused by irregular peristalsis of the intestinal canal. 
  • Peculiar aggravation of stomach symptoms an hour or two after eating. 
  • Stasis of the portal system; portal congestion stasis in the hemorrhoidal veins.
  • Hunger with an aversion to food.

Hernia symptoms – 

  • Palpitation of abdominal muscle as if something were running in them.
  • The sensation of weakness in the inguinal ring as if a hernia is about to protrude.
  • Interacted hernia.
  • Swelling of inguinal glands.
  • Excoriation in the angle of the groin 


Description – Calcium Carbonate. Carbonate of lime.

Acts on – 

  • Secretion and absorption
  • Fibrous system
  • Mucous membranes

General features – 

  • Anemic conditions -Chlorosis, pernicious anemia. 
  • Relaxation of tissue everywhere Muscles, veins, walls of the blood vessels. 
  • Tendency to attack glands. 
  • Pyaemic state runs through the remedy, abscesses in the deep muscles. 
  • Ability to grow polypi-nose. 
  • Full of rheumatism and rheumatic and gouty condition of the joints. 
  • He is a tired patient. Weak mentally and physically. 
  • Sensitive to cold raw winds. 
  • Late dentition, open fontanelles, bandy legs. 
  • Sweats on the forehead from the slightest exertion. 
  • Common periodicity of 7-14 days. 
  • Disposed to grow fat, corpulent and unwieldy. 
  • Tardy development of the bony tissues and lymphatic enlargements.

Hernia symptoms – 

  • Enlargement & hardness of the abdomen.
  • The pressure of wind towards the inguinal ring, as if hernia were about to protrude.
  • Painful pressure, pulling gripping and shootings, heaviness in the groin.
  • Swelling and painful sensibility of inguinal glands.


Description – It flourishes well in temperate climates. Its nuts are ovoid, mahogany-colored, perfectly smooth, and shining. The ripe, fresh, hulled nut is used for medical purposes.

Acts on – 

  • Liver and portal system
  • Catarrhal inflammation

General features – 

  • Neuralgic dartings from right to left. 
  • Fluent coryza, with dull frontal headache. 
  • Tongue coated, feels scalded. 
  • Cannot control the tongue so as to form words rightly. 
  • Violent vomiting and retching. 
  • Pressure as from a stone in the stomach. 
  • Constant severe aching from the stomach to the right lower lobe of the liver. 
  • Tenderness of right hypochondrium. 
  • Congestion of liver and portal system, with constipation. 
  • Burning distress and aching at the navel. Flatulence. 
  • Rectum feels full of small sticks. 
  • Much pain after stool with prolapse. 
  • Hæmorrhoids, with sharp shooting pains up the back: bleeding, worse during climacteric. 
  • Burning in anus with chills up and down back. 
  • Functional disturbance of the heart from hæmorrhoidal complaints.

Hernia symptoms – 

  • Abdomen tender to touch.
  • The sensation of fullness, flatulence, colicky pain, haemorrhoidal colic.
  • Cutting pain in the inguinal region.


Acts on – 

  • Hypersensitivity
  • Nervous system
  • Pneumogastric nerve 

General features – 

  • Worse after sleep; sleeps into aggravation. 
  • Left-sided remedy; complaints begin on the left side and go to the right. 
  • Sense of constriction all over. Intolerance of tight bands about neck or waist. 
  • Alternate action-excitation and depression.
  • Acts very powerfully upon the female organs. 
  • Special affinity for the ovaries particularly the left ovary. 
  • Hæmorrhagic diathesis, small wounds bleed much-blood dark and non-coagulable. 
  • Dry, painful, sensitive larynx.
  • Series of liver troubles with Jaundice.
  • Climacteric ailments. 
  • Enlargement of veins is a prominent condition.
  • The a close connection between mental symptoms and heart symptoms.
  • Full of inflammation of glands, cellular tissue. Purple mottled appearance.

Hernia symptoms – 

  • Abdomen hard and distended with flatulent colic 
  • Pain in back.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Emission of flatus sometimes penetration into the inguinal ring.
  • Pain as if hernia were going to protrude