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Monday, July 19, 2021

List of Antagonists Homoeopathic remedy

 List of  Antagonistic Homoeopathic remedies ✍

Acetic acid should not be used or followed with Borax; Causticum; Nux vomica;  Ranunculus bulbous; Sarsaparilla.

Ammonium carbonate should not be used or followed with Lachesis.

Apis should not be used or followed with Rhus toxicodendron.

Belladonna should not be used or followed with Dulcamara.

Benzoic acid should not be used with Copaiva.

Camphor should not be used with Kali nitricum

Cantharis should not be used with Coffea.

Carbo veg does not work with Kreosote.

Causticum should not be used with Acetic acid; Coffea; Colocynthis; Kali nitricum;        Nux vomica; Phosphorous.

Chamomilla should not be used with Zinc.

China should not be used with Digitalis; Selenium.

Cocculus should not be used with Coffea.

Coffea should not be used with Cantharis; Causticum; Cocculus; Colocynthis; Ignatia.

Dulcamara should not be used with Belladonna; Lachesis.

Ignatia should not be used with Coffea; Nux vomica.

Ipecacuanha should not be used with China; Opium.

Kali nitricum should not be used with Camphor; Causticum; Ranunculus bulb.

Lachesis should not be used with Amm. carb; Dulcamara; Nitric acid; Sepia.

Lycopodium should not be used with Nux moschata.

Mercurius should not be used with Lachesis; Silicea.

Nitric acid should not be used with Lachesis.

Nux moschata should not be used with Lycopodium; Nux vomica; Pulsatilla; Rhus toxicodendron; Silicea; Squilla.

Nux vomica should not be used with; Causticum; Ignatia; Nux moschata; Zinc.

Phosphorous should not be used with Causticum.

Pulsatilla should not be used with Nux moschata.

Sarsaparilla should not be used with Acetic acid.

Selenium should not be used with China.

Sepia should not be used with Lachesis.

Silicea should not be used with Mercurius; Nux moschata.

Sulphur should not be used with Nux moschata

Zincum should not be used with Chamomilla; Nux vomica 

M.g Homeo Clinic

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