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Monday, July 12, 2021

Hepatitis ( liver affection ) by homoeopathy


© Images by m.g homeopathy

Patient feels unwell; complains of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, along

with anorexia, headache, malaise and a distaste for cigarettes. There is

mild fever and slight upper abdominal discomfort with a tender liver. The

condition is of HEPATITIS.

This is the prodromal or preicteric phase of the disease which lasts up to two weeks. The viraemia causes the patient to feel unwell with complaints of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, headache and malaise. After one or two weeks, the patient becomes icteric and may show signs of improvement.

The appetite returns and the patient feels better. As the jaundice deepens, the urine becomes dark and the stools turn pale due to intrahepatic cholestasis.

The liver is moderately enlarged and the spleen is palpable. There may be a transient rash. Thereafter the jaundice reduces and in a majority of cases, the illness is over in three to six weeks time. There is rarely a relapse. 

If relapse appears, then jaundice returns. The prognosis is very good and most cases recover completely. Patients may complain of debility for several months following resolution of the symptoms and biochemical parameters. 

This is Hepatitis A which is the commonest of all viral hepatitis. Its spread is through the faecal-oral route and arises from ingestion of clams, shellfish or infected water. Over crowding and poor sanitation is another important cause.

Hepatitis B virus spreads through the intravenous route, transfusion of infected blood, contaminated needles as used by drug addicts, tattooist, or acupuncturist or by sexual contact, particularly in male homosexuals. 

It can also be passed from mother to child during parturition or soon after birth.

Clinical features are the same as those found under Hepatitis A infection. A

majority of cases recover completely. Prevention is by avoiding the risk

factors. Hepatitis C is due to an R.N.A. virus (H.C.V.), seen in intravenous drug

abusers and male homosexuals. There are more extra-hepatitis manifestations including arthritis, agranulocytosis, aplastic anaemia and diffuse neurological problems. The condition slowly progresses to chronic liver disease.

Management and Treatment

The patient is given total rest for at least fifteen days. He must be kept warm during this period until the appetite returns. The diet should be predominantly liquid including fruit drinks, plenty of glucose and animal proteins. Fats, alcohol and irritating substances should be avoided.

Chelidonium majus  is one of our greatest liver remedies. It acts upon the portal system, right side of abdomen and right lower lung. It covers several direct reflex symptoms of the disease condition of the liver.

 It manifests as congestion, inflammation, fullness and enlargement in semi-chronic and acute cases. The keynote of the remedy is tearing, shooting, stitching pains, from the liver region, radiating to the back, below the right shoulder blade.

Hot drinks and hot milk relieve.

Bryonia alba  is indicated for inflammation of the liver. The right lobe of the

liver is mostly affected; feels like a load in the hypochondrium. Least

movement hurts; it is accompanied with burning and stitching pains, and nausea. B

podophyllum peltatum has congestion and enlargement of the liver with great irritability of the liver; slight rubbing of the liver region helps;

discomfort is aggravated by the slightest thought or smell of food.

Carduus marianus has the sensation of an engorged liver or pressure; feels worse by lying on the left side. Left liver is full, engorged and sensitive.

Concomitant symptoms here are haemoptysis due to congestion of the liver and lungs.

ptelea trifoliata has aching in the liver aggravated by lying on the left side.

Voracious or poor appetite. Patient develops a repugnance to animal food, rich puddings, of which he is very fond of; butter and fats aggravate his hepatic symptoms.

 Lycopodium clavatum  has sore pain in the right hypochondrium which is

aggravated by touch. Intense flatulence by 4 pm, as if everything he eats turns

M.G Homeo Clinic

Dr Dileep Yadav


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