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Friday, July 16, 2021

Acute Appendicitis in homoeopathy


Homeopathy Treatment for ACUTE APPENDICITIS

The patient, generally a young adult, complains of constant abdominal pain which aggravates, especially after exercise. Pain associated with nausea, vomiting, some elevation in temperature and a rapid pulse. At times, the pain is burning in character. There is rigidity and tenderness in the right iliac area. The disease is ACUTE APPENDICITIS.

This is the most common surgical emergency and is a part of the differential diagnosis of all acute abdominal illnesses. The presenting features are very deceptive. In some cases, the diagnosis is made on the basis of history if the signs are equivocal. in others, the history is vague but the signs are strongly suggestive for the diagnosis.


1 Patient complains of violent colic that comes and disappears suddenly.

2 Face becomes red as fire.

3 Tenderness in the abdomen is worse on least jar.

4 Pain is throbbing, localized in the ileo-ceacal region

5 cannot bear slightest touch. Very sensitive to even  the touch of bed clothes.

6 Face is red with dilated pupils.

Management and Treatment -

Correct diagnosis should be made at the earliest. The case should be seen by the surgeon under whose guidance medical treatment should be instituted. The pulse should be regularly counted to understand the internal state and progress of inflammation.

Belladonna -Usefull in early inflammatory stage, much before suppuration has set in, that is, when there is generalized pain in the abdomen. However, when the pains become localized, there are more chances of suppuration taking place. Belladonna may hasten this suppuration causing the inflamed appendix to burst, resulting in peritonitis. 

Plumbum metallicum -Usefull for violent colic; the patient assumes the strangest postures for relief. Pain radiates to all parts of the body. Violent colic causes the abdominal muscles to retract till the navel seems to press against the spine.

Bryonia alba-There is tederness in abdominal wall.Usefull for burning pains, worse pressure, coughing and breathing. The slightest movement causes great pain. Patient is better from lying on the painful side, pressure, rest and cold things. Pressure in the stomach after eating as if , of a stone. Epigastrium is sensitive.

Magnesia phosphorica -Usefull for spasmodic cramping of stomach, nipping, griping and pinching with belching that does not relieve . flatulent colic that forces the patient to bend, better by warmth and rubbing.

Arnica -  this Homoeopathic remedy is recommended in septic cases, and you need to use it after a surgical operation for treating bruises.

Arsenic: -  In the cases of appendicitis, in the septic condition when the affected individual experiences extreme weakness as well as a loss of appetite, Arsenic is indicated. Chills, diarrhea, nervous symptoms, and restlessness are some of the symptoms which may be present. The patient may feel relief by vomiting in such circumstances.

M.g Homeo Clinic

karwi chitrakoot


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