Trauma of bone and periosteum.
Baryta carbonica - Use when there is excessive saliva during sleep.
Bryonia alba - Use for an extremely dry mouth, with dryness of mucous membranes and great thirst.
Phosphorus - Use for hypersalivation and when gums are swollen and bleed easily.
Pulsatilla - Use for diminished saliva with no thirst.
Arum triphyllum - Use for pain in joint on swallowing.
Calcarea flourica - Use for hypermobile joints
Calcarea phosphorica - Use when mouth cannot be opened without pain.
Carbo vegetabilis - Use for vertigo with nausea and tinnitus.
Chamomilla - Use for low pain threshold. Unbearable spasms of pain radiating into the ear.
Cuprum metallicum - Use for trismus of muscles.
Granatum - Use for painful cracking of the joint.
Magnesium phosphorica - Use for muscle spasms.
Phytolacca decanda - Use for earaches with pain extending into teeth, jaw, and throat.
Rhus toxicodendron - Use for joint stiffness that improves with movement and for popping" of TMJ.
Antimonium crudum - Use for a toothache that is worse at night and is aggravated by heat.
Aranea diadema - Use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth after lying down.
Belladonna - Use for throbbing tooth that's worse when pressure is applied.
Calcarea carbonica - Use for a toothache that worsens when exposed to hot or cold air.
Chamomilla - Use for a toothache with intolerable pain that's worse from warmth and not better with cold.
Coffea cruda - Use for toothache that worsens with heat and is relieved by ice.
Ferrum metallicum - Use for a toothache that is relieved by ice water.
Magnesia carbonica - Use for a toothache that is worse at night, Patient must get up and walk about for relief.
Magnesia phosphorica - Use for a toothache that is worse from cold and better from warmth.
Plantago major - Use for a toothache that is better with pressure and worse without cold air.
Pulsatilla - Use for a toothache that is relieved by holding cold water in the mouth.
Staphysagria - Use for pain from major decay of a number of teeth.
Calcarea carbonica - Use for a delayed eruption.
Chamomilla - Use for difficult teething.
Zlncum metallicum - Use for teeth gritting during difficult eruption and associated with loose teeth and bleeding gums.
Natrum muriaticum - Use for cold sores and fever blisters. Lips and corners of mouth dry and cracked lips.
Nitricum acidum - Use for ulcers with irregular edges and a raw appearance with a tendency to bleed easily.
Dosage Guidelines for Remedies 200 X and Under
Choice of Potency
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of local signs and symptoms, prescribe low potencies, under 12X.
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of a mixture of local, general, mental and emotional signs and symtoms, prescribe higher potencies, 30X - 200X. Times Remedies Should Be Taken
Low potency remedies (under 12X)
first aid every 5-30 minutes
acute conditions every 30 minutes to hourly, decreasing to 3-4 times a day
Medium potency remedies (12X - 30X)
one to three times a day
High potency remedies (30X - 200X)
once a day.
Potency Vs. Duration of Action The lower the potency, the shorter its duration of action (acute conditions). The higher the potency, the longer its duration of action (chronic conditions). As opposed to pathologic or specific symptom prescribing, constitutional prescribing does not treat the disease entity, but rather the symptom complex of the individual who has the disease. The purpose of constitutional prescribing is not to seek to change a patient's character, but by modifying it's tone balances it, thereby giving systematic, systemic support to the self-healing effort of the organism. By encompassing the sum total of the individual's physical, emotional, and mental picture constitutional analysis and prescribing performs psychotherapy while also working on the physical level.
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