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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Melasma in homeopathy.. Dr Dileep

 Melasma is a common acquired skin disorder that presents as bilateral, blotchy, brownish facial pigmentation.

This form of facial pigmentation was previously called chloasma, but as this derives from the Greek meaning ‘to become green’ the term melasma (brown skin) is preferred. It was also known as ‘mask of pregnancy’.

Melasma is more common in women than in men, with an onset typically between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Melasma is most common in people who tan easily or have naturally brown skin. It is less common in people with fair skin or black skin.

Melasma can have severe impact on quality of life due to its visibility.

Causes -

The cause of melasma is complex; it has been proposed to be a

·       Photoageing disorder in genetically predisposed individuals

·       Overproduction of melanin by melanocytes; either taken up by keratinocytes (epidermal melanosis) and/or deposited in the dermis (dermal melanosis, melanophages)

Factors implicated in the development of melasma include:

·       Family history: 60% report affected family members.

·       Sun exposure: Ultraviolet and visible light promote melanin production.

·       Hormones: Pregnancy and the use of oestrogen/progesterone containing oral contraceptives, intrauterine device, implants, and hormone replacement therapy, are implicated in one-quarter of affected women; thyroid disorders can be associated with melasma.

·       Medications and scented products: New targeted therapies for cancer and perfumed soaps, toiletries, and cosmetics may cause a phototoxic reaction to trigger melasma.

·       Researchers are examining the roles of stem cell, neural cell, vascular, and local hormonal factors in promoting melanocyte activation.

Symptoms -

Brown colored patches of skin appear on the forehead, temples, cheeks or above the upper lip.

Melasma can be separated into epidermal, dermal, and mixed types, depending on the level of increased melanin in the skin.

Epidermal melasma: Epidermal melasma is defined by:

·       Border: well, defined.

·       Color:  dark brown.

·       Wood lamp: appears more obvious.

·       Dermoscopy: Scattered islands of brown reticular network with dark fine granules.

·       Treatment: Usually has a good response.

Dermal melasma: Dermal melasma is defined by:

·       Border: Ill-defined.

·       Color: Light brown to blue-grey.

·       Wood lamp: No accentuation.

·       Dermoscopy: Reticuloglobular pattern, telangiectasia, arciform structures.

·       Treatment: Usually has a poor response.

Mixed melasma: Mixed melasma is the most common type, and is defined by:

·       Combination of blue-grey, light and dark brown colors.

·        Wood lamp: Mixed patterns.

·        Dermatoscopy: Mixed patterns.

·       Treatment: Usually shows a partial improvement.


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Melasma   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Face looks sunken, old, pale and bluish. Old man’s look, sickly, sunken greyish of muddy color. Skin is brown, tense, and hard with irregular blotches.


Melasma with yellow stains on nose and cheeks. The color varies from yellowish to brown. The color gets worse from exposure to sun and wind. Itching of the face.


Moth spots on forehead with leucorrhea. Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorders. Skin hot, and dry.


Brown spots on face. Presence of circumscribed lenticular patches with itching. Mottled appearance.


Grayish-yellow discoloration of the face, with blue circles around the eyes. Withered shrivelled copper colored eruption on face with melasma, especially in men.  Flatulent abdomen. Likes warm food and drinks. Craving for sweets.


Melasma with yellow, corpse like spots on sunken cheeks. Sunken cheeks.  Skin of face is greasy and shiny. Face pale and emaciated.


Melasma with circumscribed redness in one or both the cheeks with pale, sickly complexion. Burning heat and redness of cheek.  Blue rings under the eyes. Hippocratic countenance. Craves cold, iced drinks, and chocolate.


Circumscribed red spots over malar bones. Redness and burning of cheeks.   Red blotchy eruptions, worse in spring.


Saddle-like yellow discoloration on nose and cheeks. Dark circle under the eyes. Facial discoloration during pregnancy, after childbirth and menopause.  Lentigo in young women.


Skin pigmentation after local medication. Old looking spotted face. Suited to dirty, filthy people prone to skin affections. Skin is unhealthy, dry, rough, and dirty. Itching, and burning sensation on the face, worse from heat.


Skin pale, waxy, shiny, and dark under the eyes. Nettled with spider like veins. Skin looks dirty, dry, hairy with brown spots.



Dr Dileep Yadav

Contact us- 7905406952

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Toothache and it's homeopathic therapeutics


●Arum Triph : Pain in decayed and broken molar in lower jaw, especially left side.

●Chenopodium: When pain is relieved by sweets.

●Coffea Crud: When pain is relieved by holding cold or ice water in the mouth.

●Calcarea Carb: Toothache during pregnancy, aggravated by cold and rest. Gets relief by walking about.

●Pulsatilla: Pain relieved by holding cold water in the mouth or by walking in open air. Neuralgic toothache in pregnant women. The patient is thirstless and perspires heavily. Worse from warm things and heat of room.

●Phosphorus: When pains aggravate by dipping hands in water. Washer-woman's toothache.

●Hecla Lava 3X: Toothache, gum abscess, swellings about the jaws; difficult dentition.

●Kreosotum: Toothache due to decayed teeth, scrobutic gums. Premature decay of milk teeth. They become yellow, dark and then decay.

●Allium Cepa: When pain is better by cold air or cold washing. It is also relieved by picking or sucking teeth.

●Belladona: Corrects the enlarged feeling of tooth along with throbbing pain in teeth.

●Natrum Mur: Toothache. Teeth very sensitive Pain on drawing the air against the teeth and on pressure of the tongue and of food. Teeth become loose. Drawing pain from the teeth extending to ear.

●Magnatis Polus Arc: Pain in teeth and lower left jaw with swelling, heat and redness of one cheek. Coldness of the body.

●Agaricus M: Pain in teeth and in the upper jaw bone.

●Lycopodium: Gums swollen, hot and tender. Jumping toothache, better by warm drink, worse by touch or pressure on the teeth.

●Sepia: Toothache during pregnancy.

●Antim Crud: Toothache in hollow teeth. Pain sometimes penetrates into the head. Worse at night after eating and from cold water. Touching tooth with tongue causes pain as if nerves were torn; better walking in open air. Gnawing pain in carious teeth after every meal.

●Natrum Carb: Pain in teeth by taking sweets or sweet fruits.

●Bismuth: Toothache relieved by holding cold water in mouth.

●China off: Toothache while nursing the child.

●Clematis: Toothache in a decayed molar tooth, much aggravated from a crumb of bread coming into it; much relieved by cold water. It is also aggravated by smoking tobacco.

●Merc. Sol: When there is inflammation at the root of the decayed teeth. Teeth black and dirty and decay early. Pulsating toothache worse at night or in damp weather. Teeth feel elongated and sore. Worse by cold or hot application.

●Agnus Castus: Toothache from hot food or drinks.

●Hyoscyamus: Toothache with too long, too loose feeling.

●Chamomilla: When pain is. worse by warm food or drink. It is intolerable. Unbearable pain affecting the whole row of teeth with pain radiating to ears and face. Toothache absent during the day and comes on at night as the patient gets into the warm bed.

●Staphisagria: Toothache extending to eyes. Black, crumbling, carious, exfoliating teeth, very sensitive to touch and to cold drinks. Toothache during menses. Gnaw1ng at the roots of decayed eth. Toothache in decayed teeth. Worse by least touch.

●Calcarea Fluor: Is an excellent remedy for toothache when there is shortage of calcium and loss of enamel on the teeth. Toothache if any food touches the teeth.

●Plantago Major: Toothache extending to ears. The tincture of this remedy may be applied locally. It will afford immediate relief.

●Coccinella: Neuralgia of teeth, gums and mouth, worse at night.

●Oleum Ani: Toothache, better pressing the teeth together.

●Magnesia Carb: Toothache before and during menstruation, during pregnancy. Pain on the left side of the face although the roots of the teeth are perfectly sound.

●Natrum Sulph: Toothache worse from warmth and better from cold drinks and cold air. The gums separate from teeth; they get loose and fall out.

●Carbo Veg: Drawing and tearing pains in teeth from hot, cold or saltish food. Bleeding from the gums; spongy gums. Bleeding from teeth when cleaning. Separation of gums from teeth. Whole row of teeth too long and very tender.

M G Homeopathy

Contact us - 7905406952

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