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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Weight Gain in Homoeopathic medicine by my prescription in m.g homeo

 Weight Gain in Homoeopathic Medicine

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My prescription weight gain

(1)  Alfalfa        Q 

(Take  this homeopathic  medicine 20 drops daily  in the morning for  6 months).

 (2)  Kali  phos       3x/6x/12x

 (Take  this homeopathic  medicine 05 pills daily  in  the evening for  6 months). 

(3)  Thyroidinum        30/200

 (Take  this homeopathic  medicine 05 pills  every   friday  in the evening  for  6 months).

 (4) Zincum  metallicum        10M

 (Take  this  homeopathic  medicine  1  drop  /  10  pills  one  dose  in two  months  and  in  this  way  you  will  take  maximum  2  doses  in four months. )

 Try  to  buy  Germany  or  U.S.A.  made  medicine.  Stop  the medicine  for  a  few  days  if  your  disease  condition  aggravates. 

Do  not  change  my  recommendation  on  potency  and  dose, otherwise  you  may  get  no  benefit.  But  you  can  take  the  nearest potency  if  the  recommended  potency  is  not  available  in  the local  market. Yea, it  is better to take  all  homeopathic medicines in empty stomach ; but you can take them after meal if you forget. 

Write to me after 5 weeks with a detailed account of changes you got from the medicine and then i will prescribe new medicines if necessary. Eat animal foods like egg, meat, milk, fat etc as much as possible. 

            M.G Homeo Clinic

          Karwi Chitrakoot (U.P)

Friday, July 30, 2021



Images by hartford healthcare












Constipation  is a digestive system related disorder in which  a person  experiences hard feces, which are difficult to eliminate; it may be extremely painful, and in severe cases (fecal  impaction) lead to symptoms of bowel obstruction.  Obstipation  refers to severe Constipation. Causes of Constipation may be Dietary, Hormonal, side effect of medications, an illness or disorder, and anatomical. 

 TREATMENT is with a change in dietary and exercise habits. The pain can be even worse if you have Haemorrhoids or Anal Fissure.       In common Constipation, the stool is hard and difficult to pass. Usually, there is an infrequent urge to void. Straining to pass stool may cause Haemorrhoids and anal fissures.  In later stages of Constipation, the abdomen may become distended and diffusely tender and crampy, occasionally with enhanced bowel sounds. Constipation is usually easier to prevent than to treat. Constipation is most common in children and older people, and affects women more than men. One in 200 women have severe, continuous Constipation and it is most common before a period and in pregnancy. 

             SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: 

You’re likely  constipated if you:

 •  Have abdominal bloating or discomfort

 •  Pass a hard stool fewer than three times a week

 •  Strain frequently during bowel movements 

•  Infrequent bowel movements (typically <3 times per wk) 

•  Difficulty during defecation (straining during more than 25% of bowel movements or a subjective sensation of hard stools)

 •  The sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation.

 •  Types 1 and 2 on the Bristol Stool Chart indicates Constipation 

•  Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints. It varies greatly between different people, as each person’s bowel movements differ. Most cases of Constipation are caused by a low fiber diet or dehydration.

 Medical authorities accept wide variations in toilet frequency as long as this does not cause any other symptoms. Defecating depends on dietary habits, exercise, fluid intake, and various other factors.

 Severe cases (“fecal impaction”) may feature symptoms of bowel obstruction (vomiting, very tender abdomen) and “Paradoxical Diarrhoea”, where soft stool from the small intestine bypasses the impacted matter in the colon. Constipation in children can lead to soiling (Enuresis and Encopresis). 


The main causes of Constipation include:

       Hardening of the feces: 

> Insufficient intake of dietary fiber

>Dehydration or inadequate water intake    


 > Diuretics and those containing Iron, Calcium, Aluminium, Loperamide, Opioids (e.g. Codeine & Morphine) and certain Anti-Depressants 

       Endocrine Dysfunction: · 

> Hypothyroidism (inadequate or slow functioning of the Thyroid gland)

 >Hypokalemia (Low Potassium level) 

>Acute porphyria (a very rare inherited condition) 

Plumbism (Lead poisoning)

       Anatomical or Tumours: 

>Damaged or injured Anal Valve or Sphincter Constriction, where part of the intestine or Rectum is narrowed or blocked, not allowing feces to pass s,

 > tumour either of the bowel or surrounding tissues 

> Strictures Paralysis or slowed transit, where peristaltic movement of the intestines is diminished or absent, so that feces are not moved along 

> Diverticula Retained foreign body 

         Psychiatric causes:

 Psychosomatic Constipation, based on anxiety or unfamiliarity with surroundings. Malingering or Functional Constipation   

               RISK FACTORS: 

•  Not having a bowel movement every day doesn’t necessarily mean the person is constipated. 

•  Intake of medications like including Sedatives or Narcotics, or receiving Chemotherapy.

 •  Sedentary life 

•  Bedridden patient 

•  During pregnancy women may have bouts of Constipation because of hormonal changes. Later in your pregnancy, pressure on your intestines from your uterus also can cause Constipation.

 •  Intake of daily diet which low in fiber content

 •  Drinking inadequate quantity of water (daily)


You should visit your family Doctor if you experience a recent, unexplained onset of Constipation or change in bowel habits, or any of the following signs or symptoms, which might indicate a more serious health condition: 

• Blood in stool 

• Intense abdominal pain 

• Bowel movements just once or twice a week, despite corrective changes in diet or exercise 

• Thin, pencil-like stools

 • Unexplained weight loss 

• Rectal pain

 • Constipation that alternates with Diarrhoea


 • The DIAGNOSIS of Constipation is essentially made from the patient’s description of the symptoms. Bowel movements that are difficult to pass, very firm, or made up of small like pellets qualify as Constipation, even if they occur every day. Other symptoms related to Constipation can include bloating, distention, abdominal pain, or a sense of incomplete emptying.

 • Inquiring about dietary habits may reveal a low intake of dietary fiber or inadequate amounts of fluids. Constipation as a result of poor or total loss of movement or physical activity should be considered in the elderly. 

 • Constipation may arise as a side effect of medications (especially Antidepressants and Opiates). 

 • During physical examination,  Scybala (manually palpable lumps of stool) may be detected when a diagnostician presses on the abdomen.

 •  Rectal examination gives an impression of the Anal Sphincter tone and whether the lower Rectum contains any feces or not; if so, then suppositories or enemas may be considered. Otherwise, oral medication may be required. 

•  Rectal examination also gives information on the consistency of the stool, presence of Hemorrhoids, and whether any tumors or abnormalities are present. 

•  X-rays of the abdomen, may reveal impacted fecal matter in the Colon, and confirm or rule out other causes of similar symptoms. 

•  Chronic Constipation (symptoms present for more than 3 months at least 3 days per month) associated with abdominal discomfort is often diagnosed as  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)  when no obvious cause is found. 

A DIAGNOSIS of Constipation generally depends on patient’s Medical history and  physical examination. Your Doctor will first want to make sure you don’t have a blockage in your small intestine or Colon (intestinal obstruction), an endocrine condition, such as Hypothyroidism, or an Electrolyte Disturbance, such as excessive Calcium in the blood (Hypocalcaemia). He or  she will also want to check your medications in case they may be causing your Constipation.

         Diagnostic procedures:

 •  Stool analysis.  In some cases, your Doctor may request a stool sample, to be analyzed for the presence of hidden (occult) blood.

 •  Barium enema.  In this test, the lining of your bowel is coated with a contrast dye (barium) so that your Rectum, colon and sometimes a part of the small intestine can be clearly seen on an X-ray. 

 •  Sigmoidoscopy.  In this procedure, your Doctor uses a lighted, flexible tube to examine your sigmoid colon and Rectum. 

 •  Colonoscopy.  This diagnostic procedure allows your Doctor to examine the entire colon with a flexible, camera-equipped tube. 

 •  Anorectal manometry.  In this procedure, your Doctor inserts a narrow, flexible tube into your Anus and Rectum and then inflates a small balloon at the tip of the tube. This allows your Doctor to measure the coordination of the muscles you use to move your bowel. You may undergo this test if your Doctor suspects pelvic floor dysfunction. 


 •  Although Constipation can be extremely harrasing, it usually isn’t serious. If it persists, and especially if straining results, you may develop complications such as Haemorrhoids and cracks or tears in your Anus called abrasions or fissures. 

•  Very severe or chronic Constipation can sometimes cause a fecal impaction, a mass of hardened stool that you can’t eliminate by a normal bowel movement. An impaction can be dangerous, and you may need to have it manually removed.

 •  If you use laxatives frequently, you may develop  Lazy  Bowel Syndrome, a condition in which your bowels become dependent on laxatives to function properly. In fact, laxative use can cause a number of problems, including poor absorption of Vitamins and other nutrients, damage to your intestinal tract and worsening Constipation. 


 •  Drink plenty  of liquids.  The exact amount of water and other fluids you should drink each day varies and depends on your age, sex, health, activity level and other factors. Average adult individual should drink 3 liters of water daily.

 •  Try  fiber supplements:  Psyllium Husk can be taken with water or milk after consulting your family Doctor. Check with your Doctor about using stool softeners. If you use fiber supplements, be sure to drink plenty of water or other fluids every day. Otherwise, fiber supplements may cause Constipation or make Constipation worse. Add fiber to your diet slowly to avoid problems with gas

 •  Limit problem foods:  Foods that are high in Fat and Sugar and those that tend to be low in fiber content, such as Ice cream, Cheese and processed foods, may cause or aggravate Constipation. 

•  Increase physical activity:  Engage in regular exercise, such as walking, biking or swimming, on most days. 

•  Eat fiber regularly:  Choose lots of high-fiber foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans and whole-grain cereals and breads. Experiment to see if particular fruits or vegetables have a laxative effect for you. Adding fiber to your diet gradually may help Reduce gas and bloating.

 •  Don’t rely  on stimulant laxatives. These include products such as Correctol and Dulcolax, which cause muscle contractions in the intestines. Habitual use can damage your bowels and make Constipation worse. For occasional relief try saline laxatives, such as milk of magnesia. Saline laxatives draw water into the colon to allow stool to pass easier. Keep in mind that long-term use of laxatives can cause dependency. For constipated children, give them plenty of fluids to drink, but avoid giving them laxatives unless your Doctor says it’s OK. 

 •  Respect nature’s call.  The longer you delay going to the toilet once you feel the urge, the more water that’s absorbed from stool and the harder it becomes.

                  TREATMENT :

Constipation that resists all the above measures requires physical intervention. Manual disimpaction  (the physical removal of impacted stool) is done by patients who have lost control of bowels secondary to Spinal injuries. Manual disimpaction is also used by physicians and nurses to relieve rectal impactions. Finally, manual disimpaction can occasionally be done under sedation or a general anesthetic—this avoids pain and loosens the anal sphincter. In alternative and traditional medicine, Colonic irrigation, enemas, exercise, diet and herbs are used to treat Constipation. Consult a qualified Yoga Trainer. 

There are special Asanas for the treatment of Constipation.



 Following is a list of some Homoeopathic medicines to be taken 3 times a day for up to 15 days.

      Sulphur 30:  

Ineffectual urging accompanied by painful burning sensation, when passed stools are dark, large, hard, and dry, always feeling that there is more to come, person suffers from piles or anal fissure, Constipation alternates with bouts of Diarrhoea, stools are passed every 2-4 days when constipated 

    Nux Vomica 30: 

 Great urge to pass stool, but nothing passed, or passing stools and feeling that there is more to come, especially if person is sedentary, elderly, or studying hard, chronic use of laxatives, chilliness, irritability 

    Natrum Mur. 30: 

 Rectum feels dry and painful when straining, stools hard and crumbly, and only passed every second day, or at longer intervals during periods. Constipation as a result of abuse of salt (in diet)

    Bryonia 200:

 Stools large, dry, hard, and burnt-looking, especially in elderly person, dry mouth, head aches and feels congested, abdomen distended, burning feeling in Rectum after passing stool, great thirst and irritability.

     Aesculus 30: 

 Rectum feels dry and hot, as if full of sticks or spikes, sensation of knife being jabbed upwards on attempting to open bowels, sensation of fullness in Rectum, pain in lower back, crawling sensation in Anus, symptoms worse after sleep, in person elderly. Associated with piles. 

     Opium 30:

 No desire to open bowels for days on end, then stools are hard and pill-like, bowels lazy, appetite poor, person drowsy during day but wakeful at night, alert to the slightest sound. 

      Plumbum 200:

 Sharp griping pains, straining produces little pills which are hard, black, and dry, and at the same time bowels feel as if they are being drawn up towards the spine on a piece of string, person habitually constipated. 

      Alumina 200:  

No desire to open bowels until Rectum is completely full, even soft stools are difficult to pass, and may be covered with mucous or soft and clayey, sensation of stools getting caught up under left ribs, where colon starts to descend

       Lycopodium 30:  

 Great flatulence, no desire to open bowels for days on end, hard incomplete stools passed with pain and difficulty, patches of wind in intestines relieved by rubbing, person craves sweet things and feels worse between 4 and 8 pm. Boiling sensation in bowels, splinter-like pains last for hours after passing stools as if something has been torn, also burning and itching. 

      Silicea  30:

Contraction of anal sphincter not strong enough to expel stool, so stool slides back in again, Anus feels sore, stools scanty, hard and covered with mucous, person chilly and prone to sweating of head. 

      Platina 30:  

For constipation of people who travel frequently from one city to another 

        Other Homoeopathic Medicine

Aloe SoC.


         M.G Homeo Clinic
         Dr Dileep Yadav
        Homeopathic physician
         Karwi Chitrakoot (U.P)
         Contact us 7905406952

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Dandruff ( Seborrhoea ) and homeopathic medicine


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             INTRODUCTION :

 Dandruff is medically known as Seborrhoea. It is not just dryness of the skin. Actually, the word “Seborrhoea” means “too much oil.” Seborrhoea is also known as Seborrhoeic Dermatitis or common Dandruff. Skin has a natural mechanism that its cells flake off regularly. Skin contains glands called Sebaceous glands. Function of these glands is to keep our skin moist. The function of these glands is to release oily material or discharge, which is known as Sebum. Dandruff is a mixture of flaked off skin cells and Sebum.   Seborrhoea can present as a variety of conditions such as Dandruff, thick scales on the scalp, Redness on the face or in the armpits, or raw, Red patches below the breasts. Although some of these conditions  

may feel “dry,” moisturizing only makes them Redder. In other cases the skin may seem oily or even oily and dry at the same time. Seborrhoea (Dandruff) is a skin disorder that results from neither too little moisture nor too much oil. It is a form of skin inflammation (Dermatitis), which has no known cause. This condition can appear at any time from infancy to old age, and can come and go more or less at random. treatment of Seborrhoea (Dandruff) is directed at fighting the skin inflammation. This is done either directly, by using cortisone-based creams and lotions (which Reduce inflammation), or by reducing the yeast that builds up on scaly areas and adds to the problem. Dandruff is not a yeast infection. Simple Dandruff does not cause hair loss. Excessive flaking can also be a symptom of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Fungal infection or excoriation associated with infestation of head lice. Dandruff is a global phenomenon and many people find that Dandruff can cause social or self-esteem problems. treatment may be important purely for psychological reasons. 

                    CAUSES: -

 As the epidermal layer continually replaces itself, cells are pushed outward where they eventually die and flake off. In most people, these flakes of skin are too small to be visible. However, certain conditions cause cell turnover to be unusually rapid, especially in the scalp. For people with Dandruff, skin cells may mature and be shed in 2 - 7 days, 

as opposed to around a month in people without Dandruff. The result is that dead skin cells are shed in large, oily clumps, which appear as White or Grayish patches on the scalp and clothes. Dandruff has been shown to be the result of three required factors: 

 1. Skin oil commonly referred to as Sebum or sebaceous secretions; 

 2. The metabolic by-products of skin microorganisms (most specifically Malassezia yeasts); 

 3. An individual susceptibility. 

 4. Due to stress 

Common older literature cites the fungus Malassezia furfur (previously known as Pityrosporum ovale) as the cause of Dandruff. While this fungus is found naturally on the skin surface of both healthy people and those with Dandruff, it has recently been shown that a scalp specific fungus, Malassezia Globosa, is the responsible agent. This fungus metabolizes Triglycerides present in Sebum by reacting with Lipase, resulting in a lipid by product known as Oleic Acid (OA) .OA is a fatty acid. Penetration by OA of the top layer of the Epidermis, the Stratum Corneum, results in an inflammatory response, which disturbs Homeostasis and results in erratic cleavage of Stratum Corneum cells. Rarely, Dandruff can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to chemicals in hair gels/sprays, hair oils, or sometimes even Dandruff medications like Ketoconazole. 

                RISK FACTORS: -

 Any adult can become a victim of Dandruff, but certain factors can make you more susceptible: 

AGE: -Dandruff usually begins in young adulthood and continues through middle age. That doesn’t mean older adults don’t get Dandruff, however. For some people, the problem can be lifelong. 

 SEX: - Because more men than women have Dandruff, some researchers think male hormones may play a role in Dandruff. Men also have larger sebaceous glands that produce oil called Sebum. 

SCALP AND OILY HAIR: - Malassezia feeds on oils in the scalp. For that reason, having excessively oily skin and hair makes you more prone to Dandruff. 

OTHER CAUSE: - Still there are inadequate researches regarding these factors. It is believed that Adults with Neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, are more likely to develop Seborrhoeic Dermatitis and Dandruff. So are people recovering from stressful conditions, particularly Heart Attack, and those with compromised immunity.


For most people, the signs and symptoms of Dandruff are very clear sometimes elaborate enough to embarrass the patient in public. White, oily looking flakes of dead skin that dot your hair and shoulders and an Itchy, scaling scalp. But it’s not quite that simple — many conditions cause excessive skin scaling, including: 

>Dry Skin.  Simple dry skin — the kind you get in winter when the air is cold and rooms are overheated — is by far the most common cause of Itchy, flaking skin. But flakes from dry skin are generally smaller and less oily than those caused by Dandruff.

 >Seborrhoeic Dermatitis This condition, a frequent cause of Dandruff, is marked by Red, Greasy skin covered with flaky White or Yellow scales. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis affects not only your scalp but also other areas rich in oil glands, such as your eyebrows, the sides of your nose and the backs of your ears, your breastbone, your groin area, and sometimes your armpits.

 > Cradle cap (Seborrhoeic Dermatitis of the scalp).

This disorder, which causes a scaling, crusty scalp, is most common in newborns, but it can occur anytime during infancy. Although it can be alarming for parents, Cradle Cap isn’t dangerous and usually clears up on its own by the time a baby is a year old. 

Psoriasis.  This skin disorder causes accumulation of dead skin cells that form thick silvery scales. Psoriasis commonly occurs on your knees, elbows and trunk, but it can also affect your scalp. 

>Contact Dermatitis. Sometimes sensitivities to certain hair-care products or hair dyes can cause a Red, Itchy, scaling scalp.

               MISCONCEPTIONS: -

Dandruff is sometimes confused with dried shampoo. This usually occurs when hair isn’t rinsed properly. Dandruff is not an organism like Lice; it is just dead skin that accumulates in the scalp. Dandruff is unlikely to be the  cause of hair loss, although excess Sebum which is linked to Dandruff contains DHT  the primary agent in Alopecia.


 You can’t prevent Dandruff, but you can take steps to Reduce your risk: 

 Learn to manage Stress. Stress affects your overall health, making you susceptible to a number of conditions and diseases. It can even help trigger Dandruff or exacerbate existing symptoms.

 Shampoo Often.  If you tend to have an oily scalp, daily shampooing to remove the excess oil may help prevent Dandruff. 

Cut back on styling products. Hair sprays, styling gels, mousses and hair waxes can all build up on your hair and scalp, making them oilier.  

 Eat a healthy diet. A diet that provides enough Zinc, B Vitamins and essential Fatty Acids may help prevent Dandruff.  

Get a little sunlight. Do not take Sunbath. Instead, just spend a little time outdoors. Sunlight may be good for Dandruff. But because exposure to Ultraviolet light damages the skin and increases the risk of skin Cancer.

                 TREATMENT :-


Below mentioned Homoeopathic medicines are to be taken 3 times daily for up to 10 days. First I have mentioned the name of the medicine then its Potency or power in numerals like 6,30,200 and then symptoms of the disease. This pattern  will be followed in my entire book in the section of Homoeopathic TREATMENT. 

- Arsenicum album 30: - Scalp dry, sensitive, and very hot, unbearably Itchy at night, round bare patches of scalp show through hair. With marked burning.  

- Graphites 30 - Scalp moist, encrusted, and smelly, crusting worse behind ears. Sepia 30  Scalp moist, greasy, and sensitive around hair roots. 

- Mezereum 30 - Intense itching, thick leathery crusts with pus underneath and white scabs on top.

- Sulphur 30 -  Dandruff thick, a lot of scratching at night. Which causes skin to burn, scalp made even drier by washing hair. 

- Fluoric ac. 30 -   Flaky scalp, hair loss.

- Natrum Mur. 30 - White crusting around hairline, hair lank and greasy 

 Oleander 30 - itching like insect bites all around hairline of forehead, moist, smelly spots behind ears, itching made worse by heat

            M.G Homeo Clinic

             Dr Dileep Yadav

           Homeopathic physician

                 ( Consultant )

          Contact US- 7905406952

         Karwi Chitrakoot ( U.P )

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Best 7 homoeopathic Medicine for acne, openpores , blackhead, pimples



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Acne is a skin condition that is commonly referred to as ‘pimples’. Acne occurs when skin pores, the tiny holes on the surface of the skin get clogged. Each pore is connected to the hair follicle from which hair is emerged out. At the side of the hair follicle the sebum gland is present which produce sebum an oily substance on the skin. Generally, he oil glands help to keep the skin lubricated and protects from damage by the sun heat and other substances. when the sebaceous gland secrets more produces too much oil, the pores can become blocked, accumulating dirt, debris and bacteria. The more secretion of sebum is caused by the hormonal effects, especially the androgen hormones. At puberty in teen age the androgen hormone secretion is more, hence more acne are developed at this age.Although acne is a disorder associated with teenagers or Young age or Puberty but it can occur at any age of life. . Acne usually appears on face, neck, back and chest due to the abundance of pilosebaceous units in these areas. The condition is not life-threatening, but it can lead to scarring of the skin, and hence, prompt treatment is essential.

what is acne

What is acne?

Acne, or acne vulgaris, is a skin problem occurs when the HAIR FOLLICLES become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. Hair follicles are connected to oil glands or sebaceous glands. These glands secrete an oily substance called SEBUM to keep your skin oily. Sebum normally secrets along the hair shafts through the openings of skin pore. When your body produces an excess amount of sebum that accumulate inside the follicle and combining with dead skin cells form a SOFT PLUG. If the clogged pore becomes infected with bacteria, inflammation results and cause the follicle wall to bulge out that is called acne or pimples. Acne is very common in younger age group between 12 years to 28 ears. But it may occur at any age. There is no age factor for acne development.It can occur at any age and in both sexes. Some people who have severe acne are not bothered by it. Others are embarrassed or upset even though they have only a few pimples.

Different Types of Acne:

It can be classified major two types:

  1. Non- inflammatory ACNE: Non inflammatory acne includes blackheads and whiteheads. These normally don't cause swelling
    • Blackhead
    • Whitehead
  2. Inflammatory ACNE: Pimples those are red and swollen are referred to as inflammatory acne
    • Papules
    • pustules
    • Nodules
    • Cysts
    type of acne

    1. Blackheads :Blackheads are Clearly visible on the skin of face . They are black and appear on the surface of the skin. Blackheads are develops when a pore is clogged by a combination of sebum and dead skin cells. The top of the pore stays open, despite the rest of it being clogged.

    2. Whitehead :Whiteheads are a mild form of acne that appears as small, round, white bumps on the skin’s surface. This type of acne occurs when a pore becomes clogged with sebum, dead skin cells, and debris, but does not open outside and is covered with a thin layer of skin. It appears white on its surface. Whiteheads may appear on the face, shoulders, neck, chest, and back.

    3. Papules:Papules are a type of acne vulgaris that show up small bumps on the face. This sort of acne happen when a pore becomes blocked with sebum, dead skins cells and the inflammation set in. The inflammation brakes down the surrounding wall of the pores and form bumps like structures. The skin around these pores is typically pink and tender to touch.

    4. Pustules:Pustules are similar to papules; they are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are red at their base and have pus at the top so looks whitish or yellowish; they are painful to touch. When it comes to pustules as you should wait until a whitehead is visible.

    5.Nodules:This nodular type acne is hard and larger than papules and postures. They are extensive, solid, painful and nodular like deep seated in the skin. These sorts of acnes are can cause more scar formation if not treated early .

    6. Cysts:Cysts can develop when pores are blocked by a combination of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells. But theses blocks are deep within the skin and further below the surface than nodules. They are larger than nodules and appeared like a cystic structure. They are painful and filled with pus. Cysts can cause scars.

    The causes and contributing factors to develop acne.

    Hair follicles are connected to sebaceous glands. These glands secrete the sebum an oily substance. When the follicle is "full", the sebum spreads over the skin surface giving the skin an oily appearance.


    If there is more secretion of sebum from the sebum gland and more formation dead skin cells, these combinations can form a soft plug that obstructs the skin pore. in later period bacreial growth appear and causes inflammation. That results to form an bumps like appearance which is known as the acne. normal and obstructred folicle

    Factors that stimulate sebaceous gland to secret more sebum
    • More androgen hormone secretion- The sebum glands are very sensitive to androgen hormone. Rising of androgen hormone levels cause the oil glands to more enlarge and to produce more sebum. Excessive sebum can break down cellular walls in the pores, causing bacteria to grow.
    • Unhealthy food habits - Unhealthy food habits like taking of more junk foods, fast foods, fatty foods, also contribute a factor of more androgen secretion that results more sebum secretion acne formation.
    • Faulty life style - Sedentary life style, lack of exercise, irregular habit of taking meals, late night sleep or insomnia condition are also one major cause for more acne formation.
    • More stress- Staying constantly in a stressful condition, pressure packed life style, compromisation or suppression of natural emotions either due to situation demand or by the own nature can put a major impact on endocrine system including sebum gland. That can also a contributing factor for development of acne. The suppression of emotion of any form like anger, grieves, vexation, anxiety,jealousy, all affects the HPA axis (The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis) and thus your physical body.
    • Medicines- Some medications that contain corticosteroids androgen and lithium those also increase the androgen hormone level and causes of more acne development. Starting and stopping Birth control pills can also cause acne.
    • Cosmetics - greasy cosmetics are also causes acne more . Cosmetic induced acne generally occur on the chin and cheeks more than than on the forehead. It presents as small, whitish bumps, sometimes referred to as "grains", which are more noticeable when the skin is stretched.
    • Menstrual cycle -Acne appears during the menstrual cycle because fluctuating hormone levels around this time of menses (women) and sometimes in pregnancy.
    • Family history - Acne have a family history of the disorder If one of your parents had severe acne, you are more likely to have it.
    • Propionibacterium acne - Propionibacterium acne is a bacterium that lives on your skin and uses the sebum as nutrients for his growth. More sebum secretion makes a suitable environment for growth of P.acne and set up an inflammatory condition and develop acne.
    facter that develop acne
    Pathogenesis of Acne

    The 4 major factors interlinked for development of acne

    1. Excess secretion of sebum from sebaceous gland –
      • The excess sebum secretion from sebaceous gland initiates the acne formation.
      • The excess secretion of sebum from the sebaceous gland is influenced by the excess androgen hormone.
      • The excess androgen hormone level in blood stimulate the sebaceous gland to secrets more sebum secretion.
      • The more androgen hormone secretion is indirectly influenced by many factors like high stress level, suppression of grieves, suppression of anger, more anxiety or depression, unhealthy food habits, faulty life style, physical inactive.
    2. Obstruction of sebaceous follicle.
      • The more sebum secretion swelled up the skin pore and erodes the tissues at the margin of pore that causes more dead skin cells formation.
      • The sebum with the dead cells form a soft plug that obstructs the skin pore.
    3. The propionibacterium acne bacterial growth.
      • Once the follicle is plugged, its lower portion becomes engorged and distended with sebaceous discharge and keratinocytes.
      • The propionibacterium acne is one type of bacteria that lives on the skin and uses the sebum as nutrients for his growth.
      • The more sebum accumulation in the follicle influence more P acne bacterial growth and initiates a inflammatory reaction
      • While the skin pore opening persist closed, that is called a closed comedo or whitehead. It is called white heads because looks white or flesh-colored
      • When the follicle enlarges more that stretches the skin pore and the content inside gets exposed to air and oxidization occurs. It causes a dark appearance of the lesion and that is called black heads.
    4. The development of acne
      • As dilation of the follicle continues, its inner content consist of sebum, dead skin cells, released out and spread over the skin.
      • This leakage causes an inflammatory reaction and initiates the formation of the inflammatory lesion papules, pustules, and nodules.
      • As inflammation continues to worsen, larger papules and pustules are created. Acne papules are pink or red in color
      • Acne nodules are solid, raised inflammatory lesions that are situated deeper in the skin.
      pathogenesis of acne
      Homeopathy Treatment for Acne:
      • Homeopathy offers a long term cure to acne problems. It is because homeopathic medicines target the root cause or triggers factors of the disease thus gives a long-term cure
      • As discussed above the excess of androgen hormone in blood plays a major role in acne formation.
      • The excess of androgen hormone secretion is caused by many triggers. Though we know during the teen age more androgen hormone is secreted, but there are many things which stimulate to secret more androgen hormones
      • The major factors that trigger more androgen hormone secretion are various unhealthy emotional states a person passing through in his life
      • There are various emotional states a person go through during his life time such as grieves, anger , agony, anxiety ,fear, depression etc.
      • When anybody suppress those emotions like suppress the anger, suppress the grieves, suppress his desire, those all directly affect on the neuro-endocrino-immune path which disturbs the harmonious function of endocrine and immune system.
      • So in case of acne the more androgen hormone secretion also has the same causative factor. So the more androgen secretion is somewhat related to suppression of various motional factors of the patient in the present or past life.
      • More androgen secretion means more sebum secretion. More sebum secretion means more acne formation
      • So to give a long term curative effect it is highly required to consider all of those emotional factors of the patient which are somewhat relates of its developments . Hence the treatment basing on those emotional suppression can help to maintain a normal and healthy endocrine function.
      • Only the homeopathy treatment that target the different types of suppression of emotion and thus helps to regain back the healthy endocrine function and thus maintain healthy physical state.
      • For various emotional suppression there are different homeopathic remedies. So in homeopathy there is no fixed medicine to all acne patient as because there is not a single emotion expressed by all people.
      • Thus a homeopathy medicine is selected on the basis of the individual’s emotional picture that has been suppressed in past life. The other key symptoms are also taken under consideration to select a suitable medicine for that patient. This medicine can only able to give a long term cure to this acne problem. It is called the constitutional homeopathy treatment.
      • Besides that the acute condition of acne like the pain, inflammation, swelling that are well treated by proper homeopathic remedies.
      homeopathy treatmrnt for acne
      Here are some homeopathic medicines commonly used in acne:

      There are acne of granular like eruption, lumpy, red, burning, suppurating postural like eruptions on the face with red areola have an inflamed base that is red, and sensitive. Acne is of in blotches type over cheek and a heat sensation. Postural type of acne. The emotional picture of the person is depression in the deep seated triggers factor. Person is exhausted for his life. Generally acne appears at teen age or in younger age group. Tendency to weight gain, fatty, obese children who are fund of taking more junk foods and fast foods. Person is mentally very exhausted for this big acnes which making him/her to a depression state as because of ugly and dirty looking of facial skin.

      ARS IOD-

      It is generally prescribed as constitutional treatment for acne condition. The acne is of postural or nodular type. Ars ios has the symptoms similarities of both arsenic album and iodium. The person is of irritable nature; don’t answer to the question asked by the doctor. Anger with irritability and restless nature with an anxiety types constitution. He is impatient and in a constant state of hurry. He becomes indifferent to his surroundings. He is unable to decide between two opinions. Those types of emotional make up initiates to secrets more androgen hormone and that stimulate the sebum gland to secret more sebum and acne appears. Basing on his/her emotional picture if this medicine is given can help to cure acne for a,long term period


      It is a great constitutional remedy for any disease including acne. Persons of psoric constitution with pale, weak , timid , shy nature and easily tired on any physical exertion. Weak in the sense of both physical and mental state. Feeling of fatigue. Though he has a weakness or fatigue feeling, but in body constitution is fatty and obese, gaining weight easily. He has the tendency to sweats a lot on slightest physical exertion. Those persons are very susceptible to catch cold easily. The calacarea carb person thinks a lot about the the very small things. He fears of losing his/her judgment capacity, fears of failure to complete any work perfectly. Always keep engage her mind on very small silly things and develop anxiety. Fear that something sad or terrible will happen. Fears that people are observing her confusion of mind. There is more sweating on his/her forehead. There are tiny eruptions like black heads on forehead.


      A sycotic group of remedy. The acne generally occurs at teen age and more abundantly found on chin and side of nose. The person is of an anxiety, excited and irritable temperament. Sexual desire is increased in women. Bowel motion is not clear of constipated type. Like Nux Vom ineffectual desire for stool with hard, round.

      PSORINUM –

      The face is oily, more sebum secretion. The acnes are postular types. Generally acne develops in those who have more coffee addiction. Also taking more fatty foods, meats, more sugars, chocolates aggravates the acne eruption in face. There is more acne before the menstrual cycle. Any sort of emotional distress triggers the development of acne. The person is extremely psoric in nature. Very nervous in nature and easily frightened , anxiety with very restless nature. Sad, depressed for her ailments, thinks can’t recover. The person is very chilly patient feels chilly and cold in slightest cold weather, cannot tolerate little cold weather. the person have a chronic headache tendency when the stomach is empty, relieves while eating. He has a tendency of feeling hungry at the middle of night i.e. mid night hungry.

      KALI BROM-. Hepar sulp

      The Acnes are of postural, indurate nature. Scars left after the acne heals up. Physical constitution is of obese, younger person. The person is very nervous, depressed, low spirited in nature. The depression is mingled with anxiety and feels as if he would loss his mind. The person feels restless and no sleep at night due to worry or grief from loss of job, loss of business, loss of property, loss of reputation etc. Melancholic nature. 

      Healthy tips for managing acne.
      1. Wash your face with warm water and mild soap made especially for acne, no more than twice in a day.
      2. Do not scrub the skin or burst the pimples. This may push the infection further down, causing more blocking, swelling, and redness.
      3. Avoid popping your pimples, as this makes scarring on your face.
      4. Consult to your doctor for a long-term cure of your pimples.
      5. Abstain from touching the face.
      6. Hold the mobiles or telephone away from the face when talking, as it is likely to contain sebum and skin residue.
      7. Wash hands frequently, especially before applying any lotions, creams, or makeup.
      8. Select makeup for your sensitive skin and avoid oil-based cosmetics products.
      9. Always keep your hair clean, as it collects sebum and skin residue.
      10. Donot use greasy hair products, such as those containing cocoa butter.
      11. Try to avoid excessive sun exposure, it can cause the skin to produce more sebum. Several acne medicines also increase the risk of sunburn.
      12. Avoid anxiety and stress, as it can stimulate to increase more production of cortisol and adrenaline, which exacerbate acne. -

Monday, July 26, 2021

Case no 6 Homoeopathic prescription

 Mr Ramdhan 

aged 60 years 

male of Parth newar muratganj Kausambi, up India was suffering from left sided hemiplegia and treated both homeopathic and allopathic practitioners but no relief.

he came to contact me on 11/05/2021 and completely cured from all his troubles within one month of treatment.


 1. Left sided hemiplegia

 2. Unable to walk properly

 3. Offensive diarrhoea

 4. Vomiting as soon as taking food the vomiting was like coffee ground

5. Numbness of left hand and foot


 1. Skin disease- childhood

 2. Vaccination- childhood

 3. Typhoid

 4. Pox

 5. Malaria



 1. Mother- NAD

 2. Father- Asthma

 3.PGF- Asthma



tobacco chewing


1.Chilly patients wants warmth

2.Appetite- less

3. Desire sweet and warm food

4. Aversion- to sour

5. Sweat- Very offensive and scanty.

6. Thirst- very less

7.urine- very offensive

8. Sleeps- Dreams all night, semi sleep




~very talkative


~CT brain shows cerebral infract right parietal

~pulse beat- rapid

~BP- 160/100 mm of  Hg

~Tongue-Red dry, clean smooth, as if vernished ~patient emaciated and very much weak


Past history of the patient was skin diseases, 

Repeated vaccination with family history of asthma, offensive of all discharges like urine,stool, perspiration, breath, vomiting

Are suggestive of psoric, syphilitic and sycotic.

So the case is mixed miasmatic state.



         Pyroginum 200 - 2 doses [11/5/2001]

After prescribing pyrogenium 200 2 doses very quick improvement the patient is very well with normal activities. Now the BP is 120/90mm of Hg. I advise him to take proper treatment


~All the discharges are very offensive like stool, urine, perspiration and vomiting.

~Tongue red dry clean and smooth as if vernished

~numbness of left hand and left lower limb

~mentally restlessness, anxiety and very talkative


M.g Homeopathy

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Aconite Ferox Homoeopathic Medicine materia Medica

 Aconite Ferox materia medica and complete drug picture of homeopathy remedy Aconite Ferox. Learn all the signs and symptoms..

Aconitum ferox also known as Aconitum virorum is a species of monkshood, in the family Ranunculaceae. It is also known as the Indian Aconite.

A deciduous perennial that grows up to 1.0 metre tall by 0.5 metres wide and which favours many types of soil. They are handsome plants with the tall and erect stem crowned byracemes of large eye-catching blue, purple, white, yellow or pink zygomorphic flowers with numerous stamens. They are distinguished by having one of the five petaloid sepals (the posterior one), called the galea, in the form of a cylindrical helmet; hence the English name monkshood. There are 2-10 petals, in the form of nectaries. The two upper petals are large. They are placed under the hood of the calyx and are supported on long stalks.

It is from “Aconitum ferox” that the well known Indian poison bikh, bish, or nabee is produced. It contains large quantities of the alkaloid pseudaconitine, which is a deadly poison.

Aconite ferox is considered the most poisonous plant in the world.

Symptoms of Aconite ferox

Clinical: Burning pains. Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Chill. Dyspnoea. Gastralgia. Neuralgia. Numbness.


Aconitum (Aconite) ferox was proved by Dworzack, who also proved Aconitine. Aconite ferox developed burning pains in greater intesnity than the alkoloid; more intense mental activity followed by greater depression. The Aconite note of inability to endure suffering was marked. Anxiety and fear of suffocation from paralysis of respiratory muscels; obliged to breathe half-sitting up with head resting on palms of hands. Cold drings >; sitting up >; warm food <; coffee >.

Relations –  Compare: Curare and Phosphorus in respiratory paralysis and Cheyne-Stokes breathing.

M.g Homeo Clinic

All medical important Test


    👌🏻Important Tests :

1. Adom test - Scoliosis

2. Allen test - ABG Analysis

3. Aldehyde test - Leprosy

4. Phosphate test - Pasteurization

5. Patch test - Allergic Reaction

6. Tourniquet test - Dengue

7. Urea Breath test - H.Pylori

8. Schick test - Diphtheria

9. Dick test - Scarlet Fever

10. Rothers test - Acetone in Urine

11. Hey test - Bile Salt Urine

12. Smith test - Bile Pigment Urine

13. Benedict test - Urine Glucose

14. Kveim test - Sarcoidosis

15. Rinne & Webber test - Hearing

16. Direct Coomb test -  Hemolytic Anemia

17. Ischiara test - Color Vision test

18. Snellen Chart test - Distance Vision

19. Confrontation test - Central and Peripheral Vision

20. Jegar's type Card test - Near Vision

22. Schiling test -  Vitamin B12 Absorption

23. Histamine test - Leprosy

24. Roller Over test - Pre-Eclampsia

25. Fern Test or Nitrizine test - leakage of Amniotic fluid

26. VDRL test - Syphilis

27.VMA (Vanellyl Mandelic Acid) -  Pheochromocytoma

28. Glucose Tolerance test - Diabetes Mellitus

29. Glycosylated Hemoglobin /Hb1AC test - Diabetes Mellitus

30. Water Deprivation test - Diabetes Insipidus

31. Treadmill / Stress test - Heart Function

32. Triple test - Down Syndrome

33. D-Dimer test - Measuring Clot formation (DVT, PE, DIC)

34. Trendelenburg test - VericoseVein

35. Phallen / Tinnel test -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

36. Gold QuntiFeron test -Tuberculosis

37. Bangle Test - Protein Energy Malnutrition

38. Tensilon test -Myasthenia Gravis

39. Romberg test -Neurological Function / Balance or Gait 

40. Knee Kiss test -Meningitis in Children

41. Tzank test - Herpes Genital or Vericella

42. Frie test -Lymphogranuloma inguinale

43. Widal test - Typhoid (on2ndweek)

44. Weilfelix test - Typhoidfever

45. Bonny test / Marshall test - Stress Incontinence

46. Binnet test - Intelligence Quotient

47. Sweat Chloride test - Cystic fibrosis

48. Hanging Drop test - Cholera

49. Paul Bunnel test - Epstien Barr Virus

50. Shake test / Bubble test - Surfactant and Fetal Lungs Maturity 

51. Rubin test - Patency of Fallopian Tube

52. Tape test - Pin Worm

53. Ortho Tolidin test - Check Chlorine in Water

54. Dexa Scan - Bone Metabolic Disease (eg.Osteoporosis)

55. Heel to Shin test - Body Coordination Test

56. Halo test - CSF Leakage

57. Dexamethasone Suppression test - ACTH or Pituitary / Adrenal Gland Tumor 

58. Arthrocentesis - Joint Inflammation and Infection

59. Holter Monitoring - 24 Hours ECG Monitoring in Dysarhythmia

60. Pulmonary Function test - Measure Lung Volume and Capacity (By-Spirometer)

61. SGOT & SGPT (AST/ALT) - Liver Function Test

62. PAP’s Smear - Cancer of Cervix 

63. Creatinine Clearance test - Estimation of GFR

64. Wood's Light Examination - Superficial Infection of Skin

65. Burrow Ink test -  Scabies / The Itch

66. Braden Scale - To Measure integrity of Bed Sore.

M.g Homeopathy

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Cydonia vulgaris uses, Benifits- Male problem Homoeopathic materia medica - M.G Homeopathy


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